How can I plot my figures like attached plots?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed le 21 Juil 2021
Commenté : Nisar Ahmed le 29 Juil 2021
I want plot two graphs on same plot but with different x axis limits. Just given in the figure (a) attached to this question. How can I do it?
Second, if two plots are making crossover/overlapping at some points. Is it possible two a fill any color (yellow) in the overlapped area. as shown in the attached figure (b)?

Réponse acceptée

Pavan Guntha
Pavan Guntha le 27 Juil 2021
Hi Nisar,
(1) You could use axes to add multiple axes to the same figure & then alter their properties as per your requirements. You could also use text command to add text to the plot. Example:
ax1 = axes;
ax2 = axes;
x1 = [1.95:0.1:2.95];
y1 = 2.5*ones(length(x1),1);
x2 = [-0.5:0.1:0.5];
y2 = 3*ones(length(x2),1);
hold on
hold off
ax2.YLim = [1 5];
ax1.YLim = ax2.YLim;
ax2.XLim = [-2 0.5];
ax1.XLim = [1.95 2.95];
ax2.Visible = "off";
(2) You could use patch function to fill the overlapped area in the plot. Example:
y1 = randn(1,length(x));
y2 = randn(1,length(x));
hold all
patch([x fliplr(x)], [y1 fliplr(y2)], 'g')
hold off
Hope this helps!
  4 commentaires
Star Strider
Star Strider le 29 Juil 2021
See my latest Comment for the rotated version.
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed le 29 Juil 2021
@Star Strider Thank you very much for your detail reply. Yes, it is solved.

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