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energy management system of microgrid optimisation problem _battery control

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
NN le 25 Juil 2021
Clôturé : Sabin le 23 Déc 2024
below are the code from battsolaroptimise file
% Battery SOC Energy constraints (keep between 20%-80% SOC)
battEnergy = 3.6e6*BattCap;
batteryMinMax.Emax = 0.8*battEnergy;
batteryMinMax.Emin = 0.2*battEnergy;
In my problem, I have 10 EV's combined in seperate blocks in simulink used instead of single battery , so how do I give constraints for my case for number of EV's? I have 5 number of EV's fro discharging and 5 number of EV's for charging.Individual power consumption for discharging EV is kWh and for charging EV's is kWh.I tried to do it like this, defining EVdchBattCap and EVchBattCap separately according to their capacity.Is this enough?or should i multiply by the respective number of EV's as well?I doubt how it can individually control energy /SoC limits of EV batteries through a similar energy management system. Please advice
EVdschbattEnergy = 3.6e6*EVdchBattCap;
EVdschbatteryMinMax.Emax = 0.8*EVdschbattEnergy;
EVdschbatteryMinMax.Emin = 0.2*EVdschbattEnergy;
EVchbattEnergy = 3.6e6*EVchBattCap;
EVchbatteryMinMax.Emax = 0.8*EVchbattEnergy;
EVchbatteryMinMax.Emin = 0.2*EVchbattEnergy;

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