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What is your main/preferred programming language of choice?

MATLAB (Way to go!!! You rock!)
Python (not from within MATLAB)
Any variation of C
Java, Javascript
R, Ruby, Swift, Go, Scala, PHP, VB
Other not mentioned, or mixture
10577 votes

Fake Name Johnson
Fake Name Johnson le 22 Mai 2024
I don't remember what I answered last time, but I admit I'm conflicted. Even though I use MATLAB nearly every day, I hesitate to call it "programming". Perhaps it's "scripting", or maybe the distinction is technically unwarranted, but if you've spent a few tens of formative hours directly writing microcode on paper and then into a ROM, writing in a high-level language seems a bit boastful to call "programming". I guess that's what happens by distorting one's own casual connotation of the word.
I say that knowing I've probably lost more hair to MATLAB than any microcontroller, but still I can't shake the feeling.
Prakhar Sharma
Prakhar Sharma le 19 Juil 2022
Plz create this poll on stackexchange. Very few Python users use MATLAB central.
Prakhar Sharma
Prakhar Sharma le 19 Juil 2022 (modifié(e) le 19 Juil 2022)
The problem is not many people use MATLAB for coding. First, it is costly and why would someone go for MATLAB when they have Python. Python community is so big. I can ask my doubts on stackexchange etc. and can get reply in minutes. This is not the same with MATLAB. See this question of mine for example, https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1740275-nonlinear-coefficient-in-custom-pde?s_tid=prof_contriblnk
I can't add temperature dependent coefficient (conductivity) on a custom PDE in PDE toolbox. If I were on Python I could edit the source code or fork the project to create my own library. For simple works MATLAB is fast and easy, they have nice tutorials. But there is less flexibility.
Kaiyue Wang
Kaiyue Wang le 19 Juil 2022
I prefer languages with great type design, like idris (has anyone heard of it?). The inconsistencies in types for Matlab is killing me.
Artem Lensky
Artem Lensky le 19 Juil 2022
This would indeed be great. I would suggest MathWorks develop a new language that could be used alongside the current language to retain the current user base, but at the same time attract more developers from the industry who value a strict type system or perhaps integrate MATLAB with existing languages e.g. RUST.
Yannick le 7 Juil 2022
In order to make my code accessible to the research community, is use python the most.
Prakhar Sharma
Prakhar Sharma le 14 Juin 2022
I use Python for my research because not everyone knows or have access to MATLAB.
Artem Lensky
Artem Lensky le 5 Juin 2022
Matlab is a great, but there is a room for improvement. For example, it would be nice to have some capabilites of functional programming e.g. map, foldl, similar to what is discussed here https://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2013/01/24/introduction-to-functional-programming-with-anonymous-functions-part-2/ but make it part of the language.
Andrew Nolan
Andrew Nolan le 5 Mai 2022
Java and Javascript listed together as the same option?!?!?!
jimmy hu
jimmy hu le 1 Mai 2022
That's why we're here.
Gayathri Saravanan
Gayathri Saravanan le 25 Avr 2022
Matlab is the user friendly language.
Hamid Majidi Balanji
Hamid Majidi Balanji le 2 Mai 2022
MATLAB is not a programming language.
Richard Moore
Richard Moore le 11 Avr 2022

MATLAB is the right tool for a lot of my non-deployed engineering development and analysis code. The large set of well-documented and consistent functions, succinct and readable code, and interpreted nature of the language all suit my uses well. Live scripts and apps are great additions in recent years that improve some types of engineering workflow.

The interface with Simulink is still disappointing. Powerful aspects of MATLAB like parfor looping and regression/fitting tools either don't work with Simulink blocks/models when called from MATLAB or break in difficult-to-troubleshoot ways. I hope the integration between between MATLAB and Simulink will improve in the future.

Phạm Đức Dũng
Phạm Đức Dũng le 28 Mar 2022


Kevin van der Toorn
Kevin van der Toorn le 1 Mar 2022

I think there might be a sampling bias here...

Prakhar Sharma
Prakhar Sharma le 19 Juil 2022
yeah they should conduct this survey on stackexchange to see their real userbase.
Michael Vaccaro
Michael Vaccaro le 2 Mar 2022

definitely no bias here lol

William Howard
William Howard le 1 Mar 2022

Isn't this poll kind of biased since most people on here will be using matlab? Odd choice for a company that makes mathematical software.

Jan Bartels
Jan Bartels le 18 Avr 2022

I don't get the sense that these are supposed to be statistically sound but moreso here to generate community engagement.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 17 Fév 2022

Link to all polls: All Polls


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