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Dernière activité le 15 Mar 2021

Hi All,

Using the PMLSM SimScape block for my FOC PMLSM model - PMLSM

In the example ee_pmlsm_drive.slx which i have based my FOC architedure on, have a few questions please.

There is a gain block after the outer loop velocity controller (iq_Ref), which is the inverse of the Force constant (Kt) shown as (2/3*Np*PM) in the literature. This is also used in the PMSM FOC model, placed after the torque limiter Tq to iq_Ref. Why is this inverse Kt gain added to the idq_ref signal? Does this cancel Kt if its used in the Force Equation?

Previous help posts regarding the Force Constant (Kt), imply emitting the constant (3/2) in Kt. Also in the PMLSM help center document states Ke, Kt and Flux linkage are equal. Does this simplification apply to the translational machine counterpart SimScape block?

I have tried to look into the SimScape block code of the PMLSM to confirm, how do i look under the mask to check the Force equation for the PMLSM to confirm Kt and Ke used in this model?

Any help would be great as this is holding up Validation of my "small signal" linear PMLSM model against the SimScape PMLSM block model.



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