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Prior to r2020b the height (number of rows) and width (number of columns) of an array or table can be determined by the size function,
array = rand(102, 16);
% Method 1 [dimensions] = size(array); h = dimensions(1); w = dimensions(2);
% Method 2 [h, w] = size(array); %#ok<*ASGLU> % or [h, ~] = size(array); [~, w] = size(array);
% Method 3 h = size(array,1); w = size(array,2);
In r2013b, the height(T) and width(T) functions were introduced to return the size of single dimensions for tables and timetables.
Starting in r2020b, height() and width() can be applied to arrays as an alternative to the size() function.
Continuing from the section above,
h = height(array) % h = 102
w = width(array) % w = 16
height() and width() can also be applied to multidimensional arrays including cell and structure arrays
mdarray = rand(4,3,20); h = height(mdarray) % h = 4
w = width(mdarray) % w = 3
The expanded support of the height() and width() functions means,
- when reading code, you can no longer assume the variable T in height(T) or width(T) refers to a table or timetable
- greater flexibility in expressions such as the these, below
% C is a 1x4 cell array containing 4 matrices with different dimensions rng('default') C = {rand(5,2), rand(2,3), rand(3,4), rand(1,1)}; celldisp(C)
% C{1} = % 0.81472 0.09754 % 0.90579 0.2785 % 0.12699 0.54688 % 0.91338 0.95751 % 0.63236 0.96489 % C{2} = % 0.15761 0.95717 0.80028 % 0.97059 0.48538 0.14189 % C{3} = % 0.42176 0.95949 0.84913 0.75774 % 0.91574 0.65574 0.93399 0.74313 % 0.79221 0.035712 0.67874 0.39223 % C{4} = % 0.65548
What's the max number of rows in C?
maxRows1 = max(cellfun(@height,C)) % using height() % maxRows1 = 5;
maxRows2 = max(cellfun(@(x)size(x,1),C)) % using size() % maxRows2 = 5;
What's the total number of columns in C?
totCols1 = sum(cellfun(@width,C)) % using width() %totCols1 = 10
totCols2 = sum(cellfun(@(x)size(x,2),C)) % using size(x,2) % totCols2 = 10
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