COVID19 Face Mask Detection using Deep Learning

Version 1.0.0 (168 Mo) par Wanbin Song
The entire workflow of developing deep learning model for detecting face mask.
1,8K téléchargements
Mise à jour 10 juin 2020

Note de l’éditeur : This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

To be a part of the worldwide trend, I've created a COVID19 mask detection deep learning model. It includes semi-auto data labeling, model training, and GPU code generation for real-time inference. Our MathWorks Korea staffs were willing to share their selfies(Non-distributable) with masks while working from home, so I can create the dataset easily.
Unfortunately, the dataset is not distributable, so you need to create your own dataset for training your own model. I've included some of sample data in SampleMaskData folder.

Copyright 2020 The MathWorks, Inc.

Citation pour cette source

Wanbin Song (2025). COVID19 Face Mask Detection using Deep Learning (, GitHub. Extrait(e) le .

Compatibilité avec les versions de MATLAB
Créé avec R2020a
Compatible avec les versions R2020a et ultérieures
Plateformes compatibles
Windows macOS Linux

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