
Daniele Mascali

Last seen: environ un mois il y a Actif depuis 2017

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Extracting only real numbers from a vector containing both real and complex values
Try this: real(A(imag(A) == 0))

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Correlation Coefficient of two 3-D matrices
Considering A and B your two matrices, you could use the following code: %reshape each matrix SIZE = size(A); A_2d = reshape(...

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How do I loop through a structure field which contains multiple arrays?
If you want to make your last attempt work, you might use eval: eval(['plot(subjects.sessions.trials(i).data.angles.',AngleName...

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Edges of scatter plot don't respect layers
When using scatter plot, e.g.: scatter(X,Y,17,CUSTOMCOLORMAP,'filled','MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0],'marker','o','linewidth',0.1)...

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How to write all data of a cell array into one big list?
If A is your cell array, you might try: [A{:}]

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Réponse apportée
How to combine arrays using NaN?
One possible solution: FinalArray = nan(size(A)); FinalArray(find(not(isnan(A)))) = B

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