Naman Chaturvedi
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Application Support Engineer at Mathworks India Pvt. Ltd.
Any comment made here is solely my opinion and owned by me. Mathworks is not responsible for whatever I say.
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Apply a colored filter on grayscale image?
You grayscale image (say iRed) is a m*n*1 matrix. (m, n are x and y dimensions). To make the grayscale image iRed to redscale im...
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How can i change the step input to cubic polynomial curve in simulink
PFA. I made 45(t^3)/125 signal. Hope this helps.
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Doubt regarding processing of Upsampling and Downsampling Data in an Image.
Theoritically speaking, yes. You will actually be using just 25% of your original image's data points (50% in x, 50% in y). But ...
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ECG signal filteration required
You can use the method mentioned in and use a b...
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How can i connect simulink and matlab together?
The variables K1-K6 should just be present in the base workspace and Simulink will pull the values from there. If you have a fun...
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Mesh Plot from Data Points
Hi Garret, To use surf(x,y,z), x, y and z should be matrices of the same size.Also, as you may know, the x, y and z are from th...
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What will be the specifications for designing 50/60 Hz Analog Low Pass Filter in Simulink?
It really depends on your use case. For instance, Chebyshev filter gives a faster roll-off rate than Butterworth by allowing mor...
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How to use latin hypercube sampling? Neural network optimization help?
Since your simulation is quite time consuming and you are considering sampling methods as well, I would suggest an approach like...
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trapz errors in compiled code but not script
From the documentation of trapz( Q = trapz(X,Y) integra...
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How to fix remote Matlab display resolution when using ssh -X?
You can try using Painters as a renderer only instead of OpenGL. Use -noopengl flag while opening MATLAB from the command line t...
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How can I delay a chirp signal for signal processing?
t=1; delay=t*1e3; %delay of 1 seconds z=zeros(1,delay); %delay is the no. of delay samples signal=[z,signal]...
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I want to detect flowers of two kinds of plants,what kind of features I should extract in such images?
For this particular problem, you can check the standard deviation in all the three color spaces and identify the flower based on...
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Plot multiple realizations of a Makrov chain in the same plot
< hold on>
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I use xlswrite and xlswritespec all the time. I am having a specific problem with xlswrite (see below)
Did you make sure that the file is not open? xlswrite() actually launches Excel and tries to open the file. So if you have t...
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3D axis rotation with meshgrid
You aren't plotting the updated values X and Y. Last line should be:- >> contourf(X,Y,B,25,'LineStyle','none')
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MATLAB Autoscaling Issue for Constant Numbers
You can use < axis> and <
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Turn off plot confidence bounds
The plot p shows the data, the fit and the confidence handle. The visibility of the confidence bounds lines can be set to 'off' ...
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chi2pdf WITHOUT using a for loop
Element wise multiplication can be performed using the '.*' operator. So, if you have two matrices say X (n x m) and y(n x m) an...
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Restore sinusoid signal data
One way would be to find the frequency of the signal from the clean part of the signal by calculating the distance between the f...
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Is the result from xcorr(zscore(X),zscore(Y), 'coeff') the same as correlation coefficient for each lag position?
Yes, you are correct. It does give the correlation coefficients for the every lag values. By using 'coeff' the following changes...
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Cell detection and segmentation on image with uneven background and low resolution
Try texture segmentation and then the cell detection and segmentation. Check out <
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How to add the strings in three for loops
Correct code: ht=cell(3,1); for i=1:3 for k=1:3 for m=1:3 if (k*m==1) ...
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FFT Transform on vectors
This should help. For sliding window; % x=signal % A=output array % shift=shift of sliding window % windowlen=w...
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How i can generate clean %50 duty square waves ?
You can try improving the samples per cycle and making your signal more sharp as long as it obeys the size limits, if you still ...
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Variable Step between only two values
You can use the sim command to simulate the model from a start time, to a stop time and with a time step. Eg:- If your simulatio...
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How can I fix this error?
You are getting the error because after performing 'y=diff(y)', y becomes '[]' which makes the RHS '[]' as well. The correct cod...
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Mux a variable number of signals without mux block
I hope something like this would solve your problem. <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/131470/mux.png>> I have used ...
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Combining symbolic integral expressions
Hi Randolf, To check the validity of K==L, you must expand the equation and then simplify it as shown: >> logical(simpli...
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Can anyone tell me how to calculate this integration using integral2? I am using the below code but not getting the desired result.That is why I want to use integral2.
If f1 is your t_A and x,y your variables, you can use >> F=@(x,y) f1(x,y).*exp(-i*2*pi*(x*u+y*v)/(lambda*f)); >> I=int...
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How do I plot three waves (sin, triangle, and square) with a Vp-p of 4V and the function generator set at 1KHz
If its MATLAB you want to plot it in, f=1000; t=0:0.00001:0.002; s=2*sin(2*pi*f*t); tr=2*sawtooth(2*pi*f*t); sq=2...
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