Gifari Zulkarnaen
Korea University
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A soumis
Multi-objectives Harmony Search Optimization
Multi-objectives Harmony Search optimization algorithm as Matlab function
presque 4 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |

A résolu
Approximation of Pi (vector inputs)
Pi (divided by 4) can be approximated by the following infinite series: pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... For a given numbe...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Approximation of Pi
Pi (divided by 4) can be approximated by the following infinite series: pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... For a given numbe...
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A résolu
Mersenne Primes vs. All Primes
A Mersenne prime (M) is a prime number of the form M = 2^p - 1, where p is another prime number. <https://www.mathworks.com/matl...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Mersenne Primes
A Mersenne prime is a prime number of the form M = 2^p - 1, where p is another prime number. For example, 31 is a Mersenne prim...
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A résolu
MATLAB Counter
Write a function f = counter(x0,b) to construct a counter handle f that counts with an initial value x0 and a step size b. E...
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A résolu
5 Prime Numbers
Your function will be given lower and upper integer bounds. Your task is to return a vector containing the first five prime numb...
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A résolu
Recaman Sequence - II
Take an arbitrary starting point as input and create Recaman Sequence. Then find the 1, return its index. For example: if n =...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Recaman Sequence - I
Recaman Sequence (A005132 - <http://oeis.org/A005132 - OEIS Link>) is defined as follow; seq(0) = 0; for n > 0, seq(n) ...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Sums of Multiple Pairs of Triangular Numbers
This is a follow-up to <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/44289 Problem 44289> - Find two triangular numbers...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Find two triangular numbers whose sum is input.
Find two triangular numbers whose sum is _input_. Note: The difference beetween the triangular numbers should be minimum.
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A résolu
Van Eck's Sequence's nth member
Return the Van Eck's Sequence's nth member. For detailed info : <http://oeis.org/A181391 OEIS link> and <https://www.theguard...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Write c^3 as sum of two squares a^2+b^2
write c^3 as sum of two squares a^2+b^2. a and b must be integer and greater than zero. For example 5^3 = 2^2 + 11^2 5...
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A résolu
Predicting life and death of a memory-less light bulb
*💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 💡 &...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
A Simple Tide Gauge with MATLAB
*∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿ ∿* You are standing in a few inches of sea water on a beach. You a...
environ 4 ans il y a
A résolu
Pi Digit Probability
Assume that the next digit of pi constant is determined by the historical digit distribution. What is the probability of next di...
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A résolu
The glass half full
Identical glasses are placed in a triangular tower structure, such that the top level (L = 1) comprises one glass, the next leve...
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A résolu
Is it really a 5?
A number containing at least one five will be passed to your function, which must return true or false depending upon whether th...
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A résolu
Pernicious Anniversary Problem
Since Cody is 5 years old, it's pernicious. A <http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Pernicious_numbers Pernicious number> is an integer w...
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A résolu
Basic electricity in a dry situation
⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ &#...
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A résolu
Spot the First Occurrence of 5
This problem series invites you to solve two simple problems related to the integer NUMBER FIVE, in order to celebrate <https://...
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A soumis
Binary Arithmetic Operations for Large Number
Basic binary arithmetic operation algorithms which can handle very large numbers.
environ 4 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |
A soumis
OpenSees-Matlab Interaction of Truss Example
This is example code on how to interact between OpenSees and Matlab
plus de 4 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |

A résolu
Find the nearest prime number
Happy 5th birthday, Cody! Since 5 is a prime number, let's have some fun looking for other prime numbers. Given a positive in...
plus de 4 ans il y a
Is there a way to speed up the time for calling external program?
I am doing optimization problem. The objective function requires to call external program. But time for calling the program (0.1...
plus de 4 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
réponseHelp !! How to use Genetic Algorithm for maximisation process as it is used for minimisation process?
Make the fitness function to be 1/f(x) where f(x) is your original maximization.
plus de 4 ans il y a | 1
poisson regression using genetics algorithm
I dont really understand statistics and PR, but I think you can define the objective function as a function of PR variables whic...
plus de 4 ans il y a | 1