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I want to connect the ends of the white contour in the image to form a complete circle, eliminating the gaps.
hello sorry , this is a "no image processing" code - it may or may not correspond to your needs , but it does the job ! hop...
environ 10 heures il y a | 0
How to keep one signal fixed in dynamic time warping (dtw)?
hello in case that may answer the question this is a home made buffered xcorr approach hope it helps ! clc clearvars s...
4 jours il y a | 0
Make calculation on line profile (Intensity) through object on image
hello Jason hope you are doing well see my suggestion below hope it helps ! % load data y = readmatrix('LineProfile')...
7 jours il y a | 0
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Audio data loading and splitting
hello see example below - adapt to you own needs %% Important Notice : % NB : wav files are not searched inside the main f...
12 jours il y a | 0
Max velocity on 1/3 octave band from Acceleration-Time data
hello again so I decided to make already some modifications in your code , and test it with synthetic data (at least you know ...
15 jours il y a | 2
How to plot the magnitude and phase of this Fourier Transform frequency response
hello well the code seems to work and the model plot (in red) looks good / in match with your publication maybe the K -ga...
26 jours il y a | 0
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How can I accurately get the fringes of this profile.
hello this is a very simple (simplistic ?) approach I used peakseek for faster execution vs findpeaks but you can use your o...
29 jours il y a | 0
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How to calculate radiuses of an airfoil from its coordinates?
hello find below a demo code that computes neutral line and curvature / radiuses of airfoil . there is also a code section tha...
environ un mois il y a | 1
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Scattered 3d data to contourf plot
hello first alternative is : % create somme dummy data N = 20; z = peaks(N); % convert to scatter points z = z(:); x ...
environ un mois il y a | 0
Issues plotting R,theta, T from X,Y,Z data
hello when plotting the X,Y,Z data you get a cylinder or something like a cylinder with elliptical shape I removed the X di...
environ un mois il y a | 0
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How can I make my scatter plot markers opaque, or semi transparent?
hello again a small demo to see the effect of the scatter function parameter 'MarkerFaceAlpha' on the dots transparency wit...
environ un mois il y a | 0
Plotting Polar Plots using time series data
hello again well, maybe I'm stupid but I coud not yet figure out how to use Perfect Polar Plots without having to spend some ...
environ un mois il y a | 1
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how to filter data by rate of change?
hello I was thinking that I could use the "baseline" correction approach, then apply a scale factor on the baseline compensat...
environ un mois il y a | 0
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How would you implement this reverb structure
FYI this is a code that implement 3 reverbs hope it helps infile='DirectGuitar.wav'; outfile='out_reverb.wav'; % read t...
environ un mois il y a | 0
Plot hatched bars with the hatched legends
hello is this the correct result you expect ? two simple corrections (wrong indexes) 1/ to get the correct bars hatched : ...
environ un mois il y a | 0
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how can I link subplots (for brush data)?
tx to @NVSL for his contribution I can add these little upgrades to your code , like having only one call to readtable at each...
environ un mois il y a | 0
time lag where the phase of the signals is not consistent
maybe this ? Split the data in smaller chuncks and do the xcorr on it. you can choose the buffer size and overlap (as you woul...
environ un mois il y a | 1
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Plot lines with curves from csv file
maybe this ? I'm surprised to be lucky on monday morning rounded corners appears now as red arcs of circle , but there's a bit...
environ un mois il y a | 0
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Image Processing for ultrasound
let's try some stuff ok I am not an image processing expert , so use that or not ... filename = 'image_needle.jpg'; inp...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
Reconstructing signal using the IFFT
hello try this (it works for images but also for any 2D numerical array) output = input with minimal error : max(abs(outpic...
environ 2 mois il y a | 1
Why there's opposite fit results phenomenon between the oddnomial and the evennmnial?
hello I suspect this is what you wanted to do (?) load('Ranking.mat') plot(RANKING,Total);grid on hold on order = 5; % 3...
environ 2 mois il y a | 1
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spectrogram x-axis match with data
hello again so the problem was simply that you inverted time and frequency vectors when calling imagesc ! I guess the mistak...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
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Animating a 2-D Array as a function of time
not really sure to understand how it should look like , but maybe .... this ? ppdtrace = 0.75+0.5*rand(1200,8); figure(1) ...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
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unable to iterate serially through files in a for loop
hello @shedrach try this as simple approach where I first look at the xls files and create a 2D array that contains month and...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
Issue with dispaly of 3D images created from multiple 2D slices
For a 3D rendering (like MRI) I suggest you try this : vol3d v2 - File Exchange - MATLAB Central %% create a 3D rendering o...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
spectrogram x-axis match with data
this can also helps you : %%Method 1: equate axis sizes for all axes after adding colorbar % Size of axes without a colorbar ...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
How to apply a threshold to gevfit?
hello you can already have a better fit without the threshold and use it only to truncate the fitted curve (but I agree it's...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
Slice Displaying Grids Instead of Color
hello again there was just one mistake : slice(x,y,z,ta,[],[],1:4); to be replaced with : slice(x,y,z,ta,[],[],kz(1:4)); beca...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
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Function 'boundary' not supported for code generation. How to solve this?
hello based on code seen here : ...
environ 2 mois il y a | 0
how do I implement a real time FFT in simulink?
hello why not simply use a counter to do the job ? (as we deal with a sinusoidal wave) you need one counter for the frequen...
2 mois il y a | 0