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I have 2 columns and 10 rows of numerical data in my excel file. How to import this data in to MATLAB and then plot it?
If you prefer to use an *interactive* approach you can double click on the Excel file from the Current Folder browser and intera...
presque 10 ans il y a | 1
how can i compute the length of an integer?
Casting the variable into a string may be risky because you may get to "unexpected" cases such as: int = 1234567890123456...
environ 12 ans il y a | 0
Importing multiple .txt files containting single colums of numerical data
Hi Ross, it depends on the type of analyses you need to do. If you are not expert working directly with cell array using comm...
environ 12 ans il y a | 1
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CAD model robot matlab
Hi Javier, what about this: <> ...
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CAD model robot matlab
Hi Javier, yes, what you see in the video is possible, on the other side is not immediate. What the user has probably done is...
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CAD model robot matlab
You may consider using Simulink and SimMechanics with the CAD Import feature: <
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XPC commands in R2011b Matlab
The command to open xPC Target Explorer is "xpcexplr" but please note that if you are on Win64 bit architecture you won't be ab...
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It is possible to read the graph and it has to produce the Y value for my input X value.
Why are you asking two (x,y) values for a line and then also the intercept? Given two points you are able to calculate both m an...
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Read .seq file in MATLAB
On page: <> There are some routines for working with .seq files in MATLAB. I've ...
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How can I find the optimum input to a Simulink model?
Hi, as Mariano was suggesting you may consider using an optimization algorithm and run the Simulink model in your objective f...
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fitting three lines in one figure
Hi, suggestion: write also the error you obtain: Error using fit>iFit (line 129) X must be a matrix with one or two colum...
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Logic to copy files into specific locations
Hi, This is a possible approach: files = dir('*.mat'); for i = 1:length(files) datefolder = files(i).name(14:1...
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changing the date form in a cell matrix
The date has an ambiguous format cause "M 2009" can be march or may so a classic approac with DATENUM may not be appropriate. Wh...
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Inserting a word equation in Matlab
Depending on the purpose you have multiple approaches. If it's going on the command window your option is to write the Symbol...
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A problem with grammar
Not sure that I've fully understood your goal. From what I've got you may try to use the EVAL function to evaluate your string. ...
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How I can I display data with the dates
TEXTSCAN requires that you use the command FOPEN: <> ...
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GUI axis, graph label pop up menu settings
Hi, the approach is the same you have probably used before. You may use the object callback (you may have edit box to allow...
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How to create stacked bars with min/max values
Hi, you may have a look at this solution: <>
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How to plot multiple polar graph?
The HOLD command should work: <> t = 0:.01:2*pi; p...
presque 13 ans il y a | 3
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error using msg box
You are trying to concatenate a vector (your text) with a matrix. The dimensions are not consistent. You can use the CHAR functi...
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How to arrange names in alphabetical order
You can use the SORT command: <> An example: names ...
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Design Iterative PID Tuner using MATLAB and Simulink
There is not a single solution, so let me list some ideas on how to approach your problem: - It seems that you look for the q...
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Using a for loop to change matrix dimesnsions
I can suggest you an approach without FOR loops that's more synthetic and is not suffering of the changing size issue: %% Tes...
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How to find row number
The command MAX will do the work. The second output is exactly the index of the max value. <
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program to get the user to enter the values
If you are expecting a command line input you can use the INPUT command: <
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Building PID without transfer functions
You can also create your PID (discrete) block on your own based on the difference equations. y(k) = yp(k) + yi(k) + yd(k) ...
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Basic Function Error (Plot Related
You should use the element by element power elevation ".^". Without the "dot" you are trying to do the power of a matrix and thi...
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How to generate a vector with the required values
The syntax: x=[.1:.1:.9] is creating a vector incrementally and due to Floating Point arithmetic approximation the obtai...
environ 14 ans il y a | 2
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Variable into block "from workplace"
From Workspace block should have a first column representing time and then your data columns. This should work fine: data ...
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Problem with origin and plotting axes
Your code is basically: plot([1 1]'); and is represented by a line with first point(1,1) and second point (2,1) (giving ...
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