University of Michigan
Aussie living in the US. Engineering with MATLAB. Some Interests: -3D Volume Processing (CT, mri) -Finite Element Analysis (human body simulation) -Geometry Analysis (human body morphomics) Professional Interests: Image processing, Finite Element Analysis, Human Body Biomechanics
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205 Réponses
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Function (in 2024a) to separate implicit directory parts from a folder string?
In MATLAB versions from 2014 to 2023b there was an internal utility function called matlab.internal.language.introspective.separ...
6 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0
réponseIs there any function similar to 'clabel' to use in 3D graphics (contourslice)?
A 3D spatial domain generates a 3D isosurface (rather than a 2D isocontour). Here is some code to generate/display such a surfa...
plus d'un an il y a | 0
Cascading sort order that restarts count at each subsequent column
I'm trying to sort a table by multiple columns (easy) and obtain a specialized sort order (not-so-easy). Rather than a sortInde...
plus de 2 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
Delete axes interactions not working?
I'm using 2021a and it seems that deleting/disabling interactions isn't working as expected. I'm just trying to either (1) make ...
plus de 3 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 1
réponseftlim multiple regression with interaction term
It's a few years late but I think I've discovered the bug that may have been your problem (or at least generates a similar error...
plus de 6 ans il y a | 0
FaceAlpha of bar3 plot smaller than 1 ruins rest of the plot
Hi Sven, We don't have your data (and we don't even know which of your variables are matrices, which are vectors etc.), so we...
plus de 8 ans il y a | 0
how to make cropping for image ?
Hi Eliz, try this: % Read your original image Img1 = imread('
plus de 8 ans il y a | 1
how to compare cell arrays of different lengths?
We can start with your input a = int64(1:3)'; out = num2cell(a); b = int64(1:4)'; out2 =num2cell(b); We will pr...
plus de 8 ans il y a | 1
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how to save all value of centoid of many object from one image ?
The centroid is not a scalar value. It has two components (X coordinate, Y coordinate), so you cannot assign it to a scalar vari...
plus de 8 ans il y a | 0
Save using -append behaves differently when replacing objects vs replacing arrays
Hi all, I'm trying to save some variables to a .mat file, appending to that file if the variable is new, overwriting if it's ...
presque 9 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 1
Indexing via 3d array changed behaviour 2015a -> 2015b?
Hi all, just got 2015b, here's a strange one where indexing via a multidimensional array has a differently shaped output to prev...
environ 9 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 2
réponseConvert image into Patches of size 64*64 and get each patch
Hi Tahir, try this: I = imread('rice.png'); imSz = size(I); patchSz = [64 64]; xIdxs = [1:patchSz(2):imSz(2) imSz(...
plus de 9 ans il y a | 2
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Overlapping region of a single ROI is excluded by the mask
Hi Alessandro, When you say that you _"want to draw a closed ring shape with a single line"_, we might step-by-step reinterpr...
plus de 9 ans il y a | 0
Find strings that contain multiple substrings at the same time
Hi Sven, Here's how I would do it. It uses a call to *regexp* (you could also use *strsplit*) and one *cellfun*. The good thi...
plus de 9 ans il y a | 0
How can I replace a loop with arrayfun - problems with strrep
Hi Sven (congrats on the name), Here's a pretty direct way to do what you're trying to do. It uses regexp once and cellfun on...
plus de 9 ans il y a | 0
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Fit to just half a parabola
Hi there, I have some simple XY data, and I can fit a quadratic to it as follows: X = [25.4 30.48 35.56 40.64 45.72 5...
presque 10 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
réponsehow can i remove object bigger than x pixel
Hi Lukasz, Here's an example that removes all objects greater than 1000 pixels in area. You probably have your own *BW* image...
presque 10 ans il y a | 1
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getframe difference in 2014b.... bug?
The following code run in 2014a and 2014b produces remarkably different results. I think it's a bug. figure('Position',[100...
presque 10 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 1
réponseQuestion regarding matrix index
Hi jana, Try this: X = [1 2 3 4 5; 3 inf 5 7 inf; 5 6 7 inf inf; 2 3 4 9 1] [val, rowNum] = ...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 0
Get new variable with elements from a double matrix & cell array given a specific condition
Hi Maria, This code should do what you're looking for: A = { '19970102' '00000127' 'MORRISON' '00148' 'BA' '199701...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 0
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identifying number on dice
Hi Sameer, Here's what I would do. It's a little like IA's bwareaopen suggestion. It tries to make minimal assumptions other th...
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Please help create a transition matrix
Hi Ella, The code below should do what you're looking for. I displayed the result as an image but you can just look at the fi...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 1
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Creating an array without mesgrid
You're very close: for i=1:3 for j=1:3 X(i,j)=j; Y(i,j)=i; end end No...
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Finding signal to noise ratio
Hi Tinkul, does this help you out? I assume that the values you gave are already in your desired units (although true SNR is bas...
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how to simplify connected blobs
Hi Sukuchha, please see <
plus de 10 ans il y a | 0
how to simplify connected blobs
Hi Sukuchha, I think that you just need to do this: XY = [0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1]; % unclosed XY points XY_closed = XY(...
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How to write a function that returns the element that is the center of a vector or matrix?
Hi Kimberly, try this: % Set up some input x = [1 2 3 4 5 8 1 1 2] % Grab the middle column(s) x...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 1
Output matrix for simple function
Hi Derek, MATLAB has some useful ways to do what you're trying to do. If you use the (.*) operator instead of (*), it will pe...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 0
How can I calculate the perimeters of Delaunay triangles?
Hi ZhG, Here is some code that shows a few different ways of getting the perimeter of triangles. It first just shows the leng...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 1
2D Plotting With Non Numeric X Axis
Hi Dan, Try this code, there's a *dateaxis* command perfect for what you want: xVals = datenum(0,1:12,1); % The first da...
plus de 10 ans il y a | 0