

University of Michigan

Last seen: 9 jours il y a Actif depuis 2011

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Aussie living in the US. Engineering with MATLAB. Some Interests: -3D Volume Processing (CT, mri) -Finite Element Analysis (human body simulation) -Geometry Analysis (human body morphomics) Professional Interests: Image processing, Finite Element Analysis, Human Body Biomechanics


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A soumis

Generates a vector of non-linearly spaced vector with custom bias in the spacing between points

presque 3 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

stlwrite - write ASCII or Binary STL files
Export a variety of inputs (patch, surface) to an STL triangular mesh

plus de 6 ans il y a | 132 téléchargements |


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inpolyhedron - are points inside a triangulated volume?
Test if 3d points are inside a mesh. Or, voxelise a mask from a surface. Mesh can be non-convex too!

environ 9 ans il y a | 80 téléchargements |


A soumis

upsert(conn,tableName,fieldNames,keyFields,data, varargin)
If a data row already exists, UPDATE that row! If it doesn't exist, INSERT that row!

plus de 9 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

mpoly2mask - convert multiple polygons to a mask
Converts an object with multiple boundary contours to a logical mask

plus de 9 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


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deploypcode(source_dir, target_dir, varargin)
DEPLOYPCODE recursively searches a directory for .m files, creating encrypted .p files with .m help

presque 10 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

octree - partitioning 3D points into spatial subvolumes
OcTree recursively splits a large set of points into smaller subvolumes. A QuadTree but in 3D.

environ 10 ans il y a | 16 téléchargements |


A soumis

splitFV - split a mesh
Splits a 2D or 3D mesh defined by faces and vertices into separately connected mesh pieces.

plus de 10 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

interpmask - interpolate (tween) logical masks
interpmask interpolates (or tweens) masks to transition smoothly between shapes in masks

plus de 10 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

dbarray - pack and unpack database arrays to matlab arrays
dbarray lets you directly send/fetch array[] type database fields into native MATLAB variables

plus de 10 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

surf2solid - make a solid volume from a surface for 3D printing
Turns thin surfaces into closed solids by adding a flat base or offsetting by a given thickness.

presque 11 ans il y a | 34 téléchargements |


A soumis

Aligns adjacent faces in a triangulated mesh surface or volume

environ 11 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

Fast morphological reconstruction of large logical masks.
MATLAB's imreconstruct is slow for large 3D logical masks. bwreconstruct is a faster replacement.

plus de 11 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Blended 3D poly2mask
Creates a 3D mask "lofted" or "tweened" (blended smoothly) from a set of planar polygons.

presque 12 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


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N-dimensional find
FIND_NDIM Finds the first or last nonzero element indices along a given matrix dimension.

plus de 12 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


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Growbubbles - maximum radius packing
Growbubbles takes centroid points and returns the maximum radius circles or spheres without overlap

environ 13 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

DICOMDir - OO dicom directory
DICOMDir parses and browses a given DICOMDIR dicom dictionary fie

environ 13 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |
