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How can I name/ categorize columns in my legend?
Hi Veerle, Please try using the Categorial Arrays as your variables. For more information, see this.
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How can I use our own audio for this example? Also is there a way to make this real-time?
Hi Sean, You can open the model in MATLAB using the command given to the right side of the page. You input any signal using the...
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Hi Vyshnav, You can stop the simulink model using the stop command. Alternately, you can simulate the model step-by-step. If y...
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can not found“lmtools.exe”文件 in 2020b
Hi, Is there an error while using the imtool() function? If yes, can you please share the error with us ? This will help us f...
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Delay between two signals
Hi Palese, One simple way to do this is by displaying both the signals with the Scope block and calculate the time difference u...
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How can I change the password?
Hi Semyon, To reset your password an email will be sent to your email id. As your email is blocked, please contact Customer Ser...
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How can I extract the rectangular shapes form the binary images without using bwareaopen function?
Hi Javid, One simple method would be to use the Image Segmenter App where you can draw the region of interest and extract it fr...
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Matlab R2020b gibberish font
Hi Stanislav, It appears that the language settings on your MATLAB are set to a different language. To change the language bac...
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Error adding Gaussian noise ( M must be a real scalar )
Hi, It is clear for the error message that it is due to the data type of the input, which might not be a scalar. Identify the ...
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How MATLAB can be integrated into another software?
Hi Gaurav, There are a lot of third party tools you can integrate MATLAB with. For information on the supported tools, refer th...
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Offline Update from 2020b Update 4 to Update 5 and Beyond
Hi Kenneth, To install an offline update, you need to unzip the update package to a new folder each time. Detailed procedure f...
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How to set run-time parameter for all simscape(/multibody) blocks in a file?
Hi Krishna Teja, Simscape supports run-time configurability for some, but not all, dialog box parameter of a block. Only those...
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Imatest esfrChart. Detected gray patches may not be correct.
Hi Sara, I understand that adjusting the sensitivity, registration points were of no help. Refer the Tips section in the esfr...
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Plotting a 3D object from coordinates
Hi Craig, You can use the alphaShape() function to create and fill a 3D object using its coordinates.
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How to fill a hole for 3D image when the hole is not fully covered?
Hi, You can use the bwmorph3() function to fill holes in the 3D image. Further, to measure the properpties of a 3D image use re...
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how to get graph using scope block in simulink
Hi, You can import the data from the excel sheet to the MATLAB Workspace as variables (refer the link), then use these variable...
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Is this signal periodic?
Hi, The above signal is an exponentially decaying signal, which is a non-periodic signal. A signal is a periodic signal if it ...
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Getting started with Simulink
Hi, For tutorials and information on getting started with Simulink, refer the following: Get started with Simulink,Simulink for...
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Is there a way to interactively move a plot legend in a Live Editor figure?
Hi, Click on the Live Editor Figure, this opens a Figure menu having all the currenlty supported features for the figure. You ...
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How to segment lung from 2D images
Hi, Use the Image Segmenter App to segment the lungs from the images and generate binary mask easily. You can import the origin...
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Make transparent overlay heat map of same dimensions to tiff?
Hi, Use the imshowpair() function to overlay the images. For more information, please refer the link.
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Edge detection in an image
Hi, Use the Image Segmenter App, to extract the region of interest ( region between the ground and the water surface). Draw th...
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Activate Matlab without admin/elevated rights?
Hi Katarina, Contact your sales representative to get detailed understanding about your license terms. If you don't know who yo...
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Error when running model
Hi Sharon, From the error message, I understand that the problem is in the Intergrator block. The derivate at the specified ins...
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Mechanics Explorer not displaying
Hi Robert, Mechanics explorer automatically pops up when you update or simulate the corresponding model. If not you need to cha...
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How to fit data with an arbitrary lorentzian function
Hi, The error in last line of code can be eliminated by, Specifying the independent parameters in the function Proper use do...
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Gain and phase margin + phase and gain crossover frequeny results
Hi, Firstly, NaN means Not A Number and inf is infinite. From the bode plot of the transfer function, we can observe that the ...
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How do I select and produce a 8x8 pixel region of an original image as a new image?
Hi, You can use the imcrop() function to crop the region of interest an image, and perform 2-D DCT using dct2() function. Alter...
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How to remove small texts and drawings from an ultrasound image
Hi, You can create an ROI mask of the image, containing the texts to be removed using the Image Segmenter App. Open the Image ...
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Setting a Range of X values to Plot
Hi, Kindly use xlim([10e-10 10e-7]) to set the x axis range. Refer the xlim()documentation for further information.
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