Aditya Patil
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I am an Engineer with Engineering Development Group at Mathworks.
My area of interest includes Deep Learning and Machine Learning.
DISCLAIMER: Any advice or opinion here are my own and in no way reflect that of MathWorks.
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Cluster Standard Errors with fitlm
Currently, clustered standard errors is not supported in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. I have brought the request to ...
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Finding pixel distances from sets of lines making up a curve?
As per my understanding, you have a set of points (let us say P) and each of them has a corresponding set of line segments (say ...
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How to get DBSCAN to assign the items to the clusters found
As per my understanding, you have some data that you use for clustering, and some other corresponding data that you want to mat...
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Time Series Classification with a convolutional neural network ?
As the data is temporal, you can use one of the sequence classification models. For example, you can use LSTMs (Long Short-Term ...
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Why Matlab SVR is not working for exponential data and works well with data that fluctuates?
SVR uses a linear kernel by default, which might not be appropriate for exponential data. You might want to try the gaussian ker...
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What parameters are optimized by default when the crossval-on name-value pair option is used in the fitrensemble function?
Cross validation splits the data into K partitions. Then it trains the models on the K permutations of (K - 1) sets and validate...
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what is the role of streaming multiprocessor(multiprocessorcount in gpuDevice()) on GPU coder?
Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs) is a concept from Nvidia GPUs, where each SM processes threads in parallel. More the number of S...
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How to extract best features using MRMR function?
As per my understanding, you are looking to get the feature importance using the minimum redundancy maximum relevance algorithm....
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How can I reduce the size of machine learning model from classification learner app, to be used by my code?
The size of the model depends on the number of parameters required to define it. Due to their nature, ensembles in general, and ...
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How to run Classification Learner App on multiple data sets?
Currently, classification learner app doesn't provide feature to use multiple datasets. One workaround is to export code for on...
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solving symbolic inverse of big matrix takes long
In this case, using inverse is much faster than mldivide. N = 15; syms s A1=rand(N); A2=rand(N); B1=rand(N,1); B2=rand(N,1...
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Adding license agreement to compiled MATLAB program
Aside from including a text license agreement with the application process by including the file in the "Files installed for you...
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How to run the function again after a error?
I would recommend separating the logic of the function and the code to take inputs from the user. Two of the possible ways to do...
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Git on Matlab online
Currently git integration / source control integration is not supported in MATLAB Online. I have brought this request to the not...
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How can i use Hyperbolic tangent activation function in Neural Network
You can create a custom function, and assign it to transerFcn property. The details are mentioned in the Custom Neural Network H...
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What is the best way to share matlab code online to general public?
MATLAB doesn't provide a way for users to run MATLAB code without having the license. However, you can use MATLAB Compiler run...
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Optimally search for which positions a rectangle is within a polygon, faster way than using shapeID of union?
As the outershape is not convex, there is no quick way to surely say that the rectangle is inside the polygon. One alternative ...
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What is the Horizontal axis represent in R value figure in the ANN fitting?
The plot shown is created using plotregression function. It shows relation between the targets on the y axis, and the predicted ...
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Solving second-order non-linear PDE
As per my understanding, the core issue here is with the variable k which needs to be saturated. In other words, k = min(0, max...
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Why is dual boot installation not working?
For any installation related help, contact MathWorks support via the contact us page.
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Increasing the number of iterations in GeneralizedLinearModel.fit
As per my understanding, you want to get the p values from the fitted model. You can use fitglm for this purpose. You can increa...
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Simulink does not work (Ubuntu 20.04)
This might happen due to installation issues. It looks like some files are missing. Reinstall MATLAB, and disable antivirus soft...
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Help with a vectorizing: rearranging a matrix
Assuming F itself can be vectorized, first calculate all required values of F. len = 5; F = randi(len, [len, len]); % Replace ...
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Have a Problem using CONV2
The plot function requires both arguments to be of same size. While the solution depends on the nature of the data, the most li...
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Unrecognized function or variable 'fitrnet'.
fitrnet was introduced in R2021a. Ensure you have the correct release installed, and that you have the statistics and machine le...
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Calculating principal component scores from principal component coefficients of the new data
To get the scores for new data, you need to first get the outputs mu and coeff. X = rand(100, 5); XTrain = X(1:75, :) XTest =...
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speeding up trainbr using more cpu cores or a gpu
Bayesian regularization requires calculating the Jacobian. Jacobian calculation is not supported on GPU. Hence trainbr doesn't s...
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Low accuracy of CNN
You can use all the data by passing some data at a time, also called as a MiniBatch. See the MiniBatchSize option in traningopti...
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Function 'fmincon' not supported for code generation
fmincon codegen support was added in R2019b. Also, optimOptions is the last argument for fmincon, you should pass other argument...
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Some CNN architecture are working, other are not
As some of the models are working, but others are not, the issue is likely with the training options used while transfer learnin...
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