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Write a function called halfsum that takes as input an at most two-dimensional array A and computes the sum of the elements of A that are in the lower right triangular part of A
function summa=halfsum(A) [m,n]=size(A); summa=0; for i =1:m fprintf('active row :%d \n',i); fo...

plus de 4 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Area of a triangle
function area=tri_area(b,h,n) area=0.5*b*h*n; end %Here b=base of triangle , h=height of triangle , n=number of triangl...

plus de 4 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Calculate taxi fare by giving multiple inputs and single output
function fare= taxi_fare(d,t) d=ceil(d); %d=total distance cover by taxi t=ceil(t); %t=total time taken to complete...

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