
Bartlomiej Ufnalski

Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology

Last seen: 5 mois il y a Actif depuis 2014

Followers: 5   Following: 0


Professional Interests: computational intelligence, optimal control, repetitive control, iterative learning control, particle swarm optimization, dynamic optimization problems (DOPs), inspiring high schoolers to join me at the university (, inspiring my students to build their own home laboratories (see my STM32CubeIDE examples on GitHub). Personal interests: inspiring my daughter to experiment with automatic control and robotics -- mainly using LEGO Mindstorms (Scratch and Python) and Arduino IDE. Credo: walk the talk.

Programming Languages:
C, MATLAB, Arduino
Spoken Languages:


  • Editor's Pick
  • Explorer
  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
  • First Review
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 5
  • First Submission

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A soumis

Control Systems for People in a Hurry
A scrapbook/Handouts intended to evolve into a fully fledged handbook.

9 mois il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Erroneous use of the Naslin polynomial method
Erroneous use of the Naslin polynomial method is presented. This is to clarify some common mistakes to watch out for.

plus de 2 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

State feedback versus cascade control systems
Similarities and differences between state feedback and cascade control systems are discussed.

plus de 2 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 OmniBot using Simulink
My take on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 holonomic platform using three omniwheels. Mostly for high schoolers to demonstrate that engineer...

plus de 3 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 MecanumBot using Simulink
My take on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 holonomic platform using four mecanum wheels. Mainly to reveal the concept to my daughter.

plus de 3 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

Particle swarm optimization in 2D space
Particle swarm optimizer for 2D problems z=f(x,y).

plus de 3 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

ELO speed estimator in the loop
This is a solution to the problem posed in "Extended Luenberger observer for speed-sensorless AC motor drive".

presque 4 ans il y a | 7 téléchargements |


A soumis

Constrained full state feedback control system
A ground-breaking solution to address the challenge of imposing constraints in a full-state feedback control system is proposed....

environ 4 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Particle swarm optimization
Particle swarm optimizer for 1D problems y=f(x).

environ 4 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

DRFOC drive with flux neuroestimator
Direct Rotor Field Oriented Controlled (DRFOC) drive with two different flux calculators/estimators.

plus de 4 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |


A soumis

PWM converter delay
Pulse width modulated (PWM) converters introduce a delay of 0.5*T. The delay should be taken into account when controller is tun...

plus de 4 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Comparative study of two repetitive control techniques
Comparative study of two repetitive process control techniques for a grid-tie converter under distorted grid voltage conditions....

presque 5 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

FOC PMSM drive
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drive.

presque 5 ans il y a | 32 téléchargements |


A soumis

Kalman filtering for beginners
The inner workings of the Kalman filter are derived. No optimization nor matrix algebra is employed.

presque 5 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

PI controller code in C and Python
A brief demonstration of the capability of Simulink to execute C/C++ and Python code as a part of the numerical model.

presque 5 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

Internal model principle
The concept of internal models is demonstrated here.

presque 5 ans il y a | 6 téléchargements |


A soumis

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 BallBot using Simulink
My take on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 balancing BallBot using a holonomic platform with three omniwheels and two gyroscopes.

presque 6 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Line Follower using Simulink
My take on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Line Follower using two light sensors. Mostly for high schoolers to demonstrate that engineering ...

presque 6 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 GyroBoy using Simulink
My take on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 GyroBoy using Simulink. Mostly for high schoolers to demonstrate that engineering is fun.

presque 6 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Repetitive controller with conditional learning
A conditional learning algorithm for an iterative learning controller (ILC) is illustrated here.

plus de 6 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

Particle swarm based repetitive spline compensator
Particle swarm based repetitive spline compensator in two different arrangements is demonstrated.

plus de 6 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

Full-state feedback servo controller tuning using PSO
An a la linear quadratic regulator.

environ 7 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

Full-state feedback controller tuning using PSO
A la linear quadratic regulator.

environ 7 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

MPPT for PV using PSO
A novel hybrid maximum power point tracking (MPPT) concept is demonstrated.

environ 7 ans il y a | 35 téléchargements |


A soumis

PSO based parameter identification
Yet another demonstration for my students.

environ 7 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |


A soumis

Iterative learning controller (ILC) versus multioscillatory controller (MOSC) battle.

plus de 7 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

Bipolar vs. unipolar PWMs
Yet another demonstration for my students.

plus de 7 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |


A soumis

Particle swarm based repetitive spline compensator with a hybrid learning formula
Particle swarm based repetitive spline compensator with a hybrid learning formula is demonstrated.

plus de 7 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Hybrid swarm-based repetitive controller with adaptive forgetting for a grid-tie converter
Inner workings of a swarm-based repetitive controller with adaptive forgetting are demonstrated.

plus de 7 ans il y a | 5 téléchargements |


A soumis

Two-axis CNC RC cutting machine
Yet another demo for my students.

plus de 7 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


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