
Héctor Corte


Last seen: presque 2 ans il y a Actif depuis 2011

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B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Oviedo, Spain, in 2010. M.Sc in complex systems from the UNED, Spain, in 2012. Currently working on: National Physical Laboratory, London, UK. Quantum Detection Group. Professional Interests: Neural networks, datamining, simulations


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  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 4
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  • Revival Level 2
  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • First Answer
  • Scavenger Finisher
  • Solver

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A soumis

Magnetic dipole fit to Gwyddion TTF of a MFM probe.
Approximate the stray field gradient of a MFM probe using a magnetic dipole and simulated annealing to find the best parameters....

presque 5 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A résolu

Given a circular pizza with radius _z_ and thickness _a_, return the pizza's volume. [ _z_ is first input argument.] Non-scor...

plus de 8 ans il y a

A soumis

Asteroids Matlab Version Game
Asteroids game written to work in a Matlab figure. Example of KeyPressFcn WindowButtonMotionFcn.

plus de 9 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

Moon Lander Matlab Game Example of getting keypressed
Lunar Lander game in Matlab, fully functional, and an example of how to get keypressed in figures.

presque 10 ans il y a | 6 téléchargements |


A soumis

Convert Array Image to patch
This function converts an image array into patches in order to draw it with the patch function.

presque 10 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Imports Oommf odt data files into Matlab

plus de 10 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Oommf vector data file to Matlab array
Imports Oommf vector data files saved as text into Matlab

environ 11 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Matlab Space Invaders VideoGame
A tribute to Space Invaders coded in Matlab. Just take fun and get ideas for more games.

environ 12 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

GingerBread_Man iterated chaotic map with parameters. Attractor explorer.
This is the Gingerbreadman map with parameters to explore variations over the original attractor.

plus de 12 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Animation *.wav to *.avi spectrum animation generator.
This script takes an audio file in *.wav and converts it into an *.avi animation using its spectrum.

plus de 12 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


A soumis

Animated gif generator from images
This script is a GUI to easily generate an animated gif from images. Time between images can be set.

plus de 12 ans il y a | 4 téléchargements |


A soumis

Edge Drawer
This simple script allows you to create edge pictures from an existent image.

presque 13 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Iterated Complex Function Time Escape Fractal Explorer
A GUI to explore iterated complex function fractals. For example Julia Sets.

presque 13 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |


Réponse apportée
Neural network
I recomend you to look for NARX neural network models.

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
Getframe to subplot
This code will fix your problem. clc; clear; A = 1; B = 2; C = 2; D = 2; E = 0; N = 15 s = -100:.001:1...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Plotting separate points on the same graph while your program is running
Try this code: for j=1:5 %processes to find r.. r = %a certain value; plot (r,j); %plot must be inside th...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
I already had a GUI which solves formula my problem how do i load and read the excel to my GUI?anyone can help?
I have just uploaded a file into Matlab FileExchange to this kind of questions. You can check it out here: http://www.mathwor...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

A soumis

Example of how to save or read data to an Excel archive.
This function writes data inside an Excel archive. Is an example of usage of commands.

environ 13 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |

Réponse apportée
Need help using a for loop
Your first for should be: for i=1:length(A(:1)) and your second for should be: for i=length(ID):length(A(:1)) An...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Help reading Excel files
With this code you get value on cell (A , fila): ActivesheetRange = get(Activesheet,'Range',['A',num2str(fila)]); To chec...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Curve pattern prediction - Interpolation (neural network)
This is not a trivial problem. A first aproximation can be done calculating the mean value of flowrate between 60 and 40 ºC. But...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
neuron weights
If net is your network, the weigths of hidden layer i are in: net.LW{i+1,i} If you refer to the state of the neuron dur...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Neural Network will not "Learn"
I have used your code and it works properly. What kind of error are you getting? I used x on interval [-2,10]. Note that with 20...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Neural Networks Input Error
To calculate your net outputs to some inputs you should write: outputs=sim(net,inputs1)

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
share data between guis
Another way is to use global variables. But remember to write global variable_name in every place you use that variable. For e...

environ 13 ans il y a | 0

A soumis

Delay Embedding Vector From Data
This scripts creates delayed vectors from data vector. You can chose delay and embedding dimension.

environ 13 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |


A soumis

Simulated Annealing Optimization
This program performs simulated annealing otimization on functions of R^n in R.

plus de 13 ans il y a | 3 téléchargements |


A soumis

Convert inline to symbolic
Convert an inline function into symbolic so you can use symbolic operators like diff() or jacobian()

plus de 13 ans il y a | 2 téléchargements |

A soumis

Create avifile from frames.
This code is for create an avifile from frames.

plus de 13 ans il y a | 1 téléchargement |