
Best way to generate an array of all possible integer numbers for a given base and number of digits
I want to prepare an array that contains all combinations in rows of possible sequences represented by an d-digit number of base...

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CRL:"Simulation Target IPP BLAS" cannot be found in the registry
Problem was solved for me on Mac OS X by closing MATLAB and all Simulink files and restarting.

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Réponse apportée
How to construct a cell array containing a power series of a matrix
Here is a solution using cellfun: results = cellfun(@(i) A^i, num2cell(1:n), 'UniformOutput', false)

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How to construct a cell array containing a power series of a matrix
I want to compute the following power series of a square matrix A (as a preliminary step to constructing a larger matrix using t...

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Réponse apportée
Bypassing the internal (Linear) observer in MPC toolbox 3
Might be 10 years too late but I had this question and it looks like you can set the following check box below in the Simulink M...

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Réponse apportée
How to deal with Extended Kalman Filter in Simulink when my state transition function is given in continuous time form?
Check out the examples in the documentation here: The exa...

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Réponse apportée
Simulink: There is no solver registered as 14.
I don't know exactly what caused this error but I found I could run the msfcn_limintm.m example from the S-functions in the docu...

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Réponse apportée
How are structs handled when passed to a function?
Seems that MATLAB makes a complete copy of a struct when it is passed to a function if any element is changed by the function (s...

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Unable to detect datetime or duration data using readtimetable with a seconds index
Here is a toy example of my problem: % Create a timetable with a seconds index data = timetable(seconds(1:3)', randn(3,1), ran...

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Réponse apportée
Find the First element that satisfies a condition
If you only want to find the locations in A where the condition is true and then index those values you can use find: >> elemen...

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Réponse apportée
What is the 'MeasurementFcn1Inputs' input on the Extended Kalman Filter Simulink block?
I found the problem. I was using the same function (robot_outputs) for the NLMPC and the EKF: function y = robot_outputs(x,u) ...

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| A accepté


What is the 'MeasurementFcn1Inputs' input on the Extended Kalman Filter Simulink block?
I'm trying to implement an Extended Kalman Filter Simulink block similar to the example shown for the inverted pendulum here whi...

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Réponse apportée
Get a subset of columns from a timeseries object as a timeseries
Here is my answer to illustrates the timetables solution proposed by @dpb in the comments above. u = timetable(seconds(t),u1,u2...

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Get a subset of columns from a timeseries object as a timeseries
I have a timeseries containing data for 4 variables: Ts = 0.2; nT = 50; t = Ts*(0:nT-1)'; u1 = 50*idinput(nT); u2 = 50*idinp...

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How to insert the 'double R' symbol in LiveScript (space of real numbers)
Anyone know how to get this symbol in the LiveScript equation editor? MS Equation editor equivalent: \doubleR Latex: $\mat...

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Is it possible to solve multiple linear systems of equations in parallel with one matrix operation?
I'm wondering if there's a way to do the following calculations in one go (i.e. without the for loop). V = nan([na nv]); for i...

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How to replace elements of a cell array using a containers.Map
I have a cell array of VariableNames that Matlab created when reading a csv file. I want to change them to my own choice of nam...

environ 4 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 0



Réponse apportée
Solve equation that has a complex subexpression
I just discovered that you can also solve this numerically with vpasolve: syms s omega G(s) assume(omega > 0) G(s) = 10/(s*(1...

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How to find the 'troughs' using peak finder in Simulink Scope
I've been using the Peak Finder Measurements tool in the Simulink scope output to find the peak of the system responses. But if...

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Réponse apportée
How to check if two transfer functions are the same?
Based on comments from Paul above I offer these functions as a solution: function c = is_equal_tf(G1,G2) c = almost_zero_s...

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Basic math operations on contents of a cell array
Is there any reason why basic math operations don't work with cell arrays? Seems to me it would extremely useful and efficient ...

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Best way to resample the output of a Simulink simulation with variable time step into a signal with a fixed sample time
I have a simulation model that runs with a variable timestep: (I don't want to change this) For the purpose of system identi...

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How to turn off text interpreter when plotting timeseries objects
I am plotting timeseries objects using plot. My variable names include underscores (e.g. 'ABC_DEF') and I do not want these int...

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Evaluate function over a mesh grid (without for loops)
Is there a way to evaluate a function that takes an [x, y] vector as input over a grid of points? Here is the function I want t...

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Réponse apportée
Why do I get the warning "MATLAB:dispatcher:InexactCaseMatch Cannot find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'startup'" on MATLAB startup?
For me the problem started after I added a path to a module that I am using for a course. The scripts in this module are launch...

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Réponse apportée
Why are symbolic expressions being rounded?
Mathworks technical support have diagnosed the problem. Don't know what caused it originally but the 'FloatingPointOutput' sett...

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| A accepté


Why are symbolic expressions being rounded?
I'm deriving some expressions symbolically and then substituting values and computing the results and I only recently noticed th...

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Réponse apportée
Trying to set parameter values in a Simulink model using a parameter structure
I gave up on trying to figure out the ParameterStructure method and ended up doing it this way which I assume is the standard wa...

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How to get subscripts in the legend of a Nichols plot?
How do I put subscripts in a Nichols plot legend? This works fine in a normal plot: figure plot([0 1],[3 4]); hold on plot([...

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Trying to set parameter values in a Simulink model using a parameter structure
I'm following the docmentation here in an attempt to set up a Simulink model so I can apply a set of parameter values to it befo...

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