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how to store data for second looping
One way would be to use a 3D array for dataA variable or; for z=1:1000 for i=1:20 x(i)=rand; y(i)=2*x(i)...
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How to plot every column of matrix into a different graphic but in one figure
This might be what you are looking for A = rand(13,4); % random 13x4 matrix [r,c] = size(A); % get number of rows and columns ...
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plot 2 different y-values for the same x-value in box plot
You are looking for the "bar" function. If you also need the error bars, check out this answer from a previously asked question....
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plotting an array skipping some columns
If you know which columns you want; desiredColumnIndex = [1 23 35 67 70 83]; plot(x,T(:,desiredColumnIndex)) If you want ever...
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Code for FFT analysis
You should check the FFT function site. Everything you need is there. Here is the link.
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How can I index elements by their sorted positions?
Sort has a second output that is the index; [B,I] = sort(A); such that A(I) = B; From there, I is the C_ matrix you are looki...
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Processing EMG data in MATLAB?
I think you are looking for the function cumtrapz, here is the link.
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How do I get the transfer functions in a MIMO transfer matrix in Matlab
Once you obtain the system model G, you can call any input-output pairs as you like as if you are dealing with matrices. outpu...
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Plot all four functions
It only plots the first one because your Zeta is always 1 (c/cc = 1). Moreover, even if you changed Zeta to be other values, it ...
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Plotting a 2 dimensional graph
What you are looking for is the "countour" function (or countourf) of Matlab. Check this link and you can adapty your equation t...
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Frequency based weighting in Simulink
One approach can be to fit a model to that table. For example; f = [0.1 0.125 0.16 0.2 0.25 0.315 0.4 0.5]; m = [62.4 97.2 1...
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how to calculate the value of theta_k in terms of theta_i and theta_j
If you have symbolic toolbox, you can use something like this; syms a b c real % define a b c as real symbolic variables eq = ...
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Open Loop Time Response ?
Define your transfer function first. Then define your time vector. I have no idea what you want for input but I will use a nice ...
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How can I put a display that shows changing variables in a plot?
Assuming you plot in a for loop and the changing variable is x, below code will update the title of the plot to be equal to x f...
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How can i verify time step of excel files?
After you load the file in to matlab workspace, name the variable for time. Then you can use diff() function to find the differe...
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Plot a discrete signal
Here is one way; n = -5:0.1:5; index = [find(n==-3) find(n==-1) find(n==1) find(n==3)]; x = zeros(length(n),1); x(index) = 1...
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How to set different intervals using linspace()?
If you want to remove a certain element; x = linspace(1,100,1e3); % 1000 elements i = 100; % index to be remov...
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error in subcript must real integers or logicals
If you run this portion ((idemod-1)*length(tmod)+1:idemod*length(tmod)).*cos(2*pi*fc*tmod) which you use as index, you will se...
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How to exchange between X and Y axes in a 3D graph?
You can use a code like; h = findobj(gca,'Type','line') x=get(h,'Xdata') y=get(h,'Ydata') z=get(h,'Zdata') This will extrac...
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how to add another x axis in a figure
The answer is this link.
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How to Design a Full Order Observer in MATLAB?
place() function is for controller design not related to observers. The function finds a state feedback control law, u = Kx, suc...
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any input function to transfer functionm
I think the function you are looking for is lsim(). The usage is pretty simple. t = 0:1e-3:10; % time vector u = rand...
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State Space block state vector value
To do that you need to specify your states as outputs by modifying your C matrix. C = [1 2 3 4]; % original C matrix that giv...
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how to design a notch filter in matlab
Here is one way; alpha= 2000; % determines the depth f = 650*2*pi;% notch filter frequecy (rad/s) x = 0.1; % no...
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modify axis in time series
You are not clear on what you want to do but from what I understand, you want to change the x labels from 0-2-4-6.. to something...
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FOR loop calculating next values using the previous values
Your for loop cannot go upto size(Xin,1). Imagine Xin has 10 elements. For calculation of M10, you would need to access Xin(11),...
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Plotting contours of Z on an x-y axis where Z is not a function of x or y
You do not have a lot of data so the countour map will not look great. However what you need to do is; % create data x = [0.2 ...
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How can i get fourier transform of this function
Here is a one way of doing it; clear;clc A = 2; f = @(t,t1,t2) A.*((t1<t) & (t<t2)); Fs = 1000; t = 0:(1/Fs):...
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about why in pole placement gives me error?
It is just the error says. Place command cannot place poles with multiplicity greater than rank(B). In your case, rank(B) is 1. ...
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tfestimate gives different results for different Fs
It is because when you change the sampling time, you are basically playing with the fft of the signal. You should use Ts value o...
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