Automated Driving in the Urban Environment with RoadRunner Scenario
Advait Valluri, Senior Application Engineer, MathWorks
This talk presents concepts that can be used to expedite the development of advanced driver assistance and automated driving systems by leveraging the power of simulation. It also provides solutions to augment your simulation environment with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, which will become relevant in the future. Learn how to:
- Create a complex urban scene consisting of intersections with traffic lights in RoadRunner.
- Generate a V2X MAP from RoadRunner HD Map and a V2X SPAT (signal phase and timing) from the RoadRunner traffic signalization.
- Implement a mission planner to search the shortest path for a given start and destination position using an A-star planner.
- Design a behavioral planner to follow traffic lights in the urban intersections using V2X MAP and SPAT in RoadRunner Scenario.
Published: 4 Jun 2024