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Utiliser le shell de commande Linux® et gérer les fichiers sur le hardware Raspberry Pi®
Utilisez le Raspberry Pi avec le shell de commande Linux.
raspi | Connection to Raspberry Pi board |
system | Run command in Linux shell on Raspberry Pi hardware |
openShell | Open terminal on host computer to use Linux shell on Raspberry Pi hardware |
getFile | Transfer file from Raspberry Pi hardware to host computer or MATLAB Drive |
putFile | Transfer file from host computer to target hardware |
deleteFile | Delete file on target hardware |
- Run Linux Commands on Raspberry Pi Hardware
Run Linux commands on Raspberry Pi hardware.
- Manage Raspberry Pi Files
Exchange files with Raspberry Pi hardware.
- Raspberry Pi Linux Command Interface
Running commands on Raspberry Pi hardware.
- Management of Raspberry Pi Files
Exchanging files with Raspberry Pi hardware.
Résolution des problèmes
Troubleshoot Managing Raspberry Pi Files
Troubleshoot exchanging files with Raspberry Pi hardware.