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Move Ryze drone right

Since R2020a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Ryze Tello Drones add-on.


moveright(droneObj) moves the Ryze drone right.


moveright(droneObj,Name,Value) moves the Ryze drone right using specified options.


moveright(droneObj,duration) moves the Ryze drone right for the specified time.


moveright(droneObj,duration,Name,Value) moves the Ryze drone right for the specified time and specified additional options.



collapse all

droneObj = drone("Tello")
droneObj = 
          ryze with properties:

                    Name: "Tello"
                      ID: "TELLO-D2B07B"
               IPAddress: ""
                   State: "landed"
            BatteryLevel: 50%
             StationMode: 0
        AvailableCameras: ["FPV"]

Use takeoff to initiate takeoff of the drone.


While the Ryze Tello drone is hovering, move the drone right for the default duration of 0.5 seconds.

droneObj = drone("Tello")
droneObj = 
          ryze with properties:

                    Name: "Tello"
                      ID: "TELLO-D2B07B"
                   State: "landed"
            BatteryLevel: 50%
        AvailableCameras: ["FPV"]

Use takeoff to initiate takeoff of the drone.


While the Ryze Tello drone is hovering, move the drone to the right by 2m while unblocking MATLAB® Command Line.

droneObj = drone("Tello")
droneObj = 
          ryze with properties:

                    Name: "Tello"
                      ID: "TELLO-D2B07B"
                   State: "landed"
            BatteryLevel: 50%
        AvailableCameras: ["FPV"]

Use takeoff to initiate takeoff of the drone.


Ryze Tello, move the drone right for 5 seconds.

droneObj = drone("Tello")
droneObj = 
          ryze with properties:

                    Name: "Tello"
                      ID: "TELLO-D2B07B"
                   State: "landed"
            BatteryLevel: 50%
        AvailableCameras: ["FPV"]

Use takeoff to initiate takeoff of the drone.


Ryze Tello, move the drone right for 5 seconds at 1 m/s.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Ryze drone connection object, specified as a droneObj.

The time for which the Ryze drone moves to the right, specified in seconds.

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Example: moveright(obj,‘Distance’,0.5,‘Speed’,0.4,‘WaitUntilDone’,true);

Specify optional comma-separated pair of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.


Specify either duration or Distance to control the drone.

The relative distance (in meters) at which drone must move, specified as a double.

Data Types: double

The speed (in m/s) which the drone must move, specified as a double.

Data Types: double

Mode of operation for the moveright command, specified as logical value of true or false.

WaitUntilDone is true by default and blocks MATLAB command line execution until the current move command runs to completion. If WaitUntilDone is set to false, the MATLAB command line is unblocked, while the previous move command is still in progress.


The Ryze drone ignores any subsequent move command(s) that is executed before completion of the previous move command.

Data Types: logical

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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