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Industry Standard IBIS-AMI Models

Develop industry standard IBIS-AMI models such as PCI, DDR, and Ethernet

SerDes Toolbox™ provides generic examples of how to generate typical industry specific standard models such as peripheral component interconnect (PCI), double data rate (DDR), universal serial bus (USB), and common electrical interconnect (CEI). You can use these examples as a basis of your own design.

Use the SerDes Designer app to design your customized SerDes system, then export the SerDes system to a Simulink® canvas for further customization of existing control parameters. Once you are satisfied, export the IBIS-AMI models compliant with the standard communication protocols from Simulink. You can also generate industry compliant IBIS-AMI models directly from the app.

Industry Standards



  • USB 3.1 Transmitter/Receiver IBIS-AMI Model
    This example shows how to create generic Universal Serial Bus version 3.1 (USB 3.1) transmitter and receiver IBIS-AMI models using the library blocks in SerDes Toolbox™.
  • USB4 V2 Transmitter/Receiver IBIS-AMI Model
    This example shows how to implement USB4 V2 (80Gbps PAM3) Transmitter and Receiver architectures with SerDes Designer and generate IBIS-AMI models using the library blocks in SerDes Toolbox™.



  • UCIe 1.0 Transmitter/Receiver IBIS-AMI Model
    This example shows how to create IBIS-AMI models for Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) Version 1.0 transmitter and receiver for clock and data using the library blocks in SerDes Toolbox.