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Exécuter des vérifications avec Model Advisor
Model Advisor vérifie les conditions et les paramètres de configuration d'un modèle ou d'un sous-système pouvant entraîner une simulation inexacte ou inefficace. Vous pouvez spécifier les conditions et paramètres à vérifier. Consultez la rubrique Check Your Model Using the Model Advisor.
modeladvisor | Open Model Advisor |
Simulink.ModelAdvisor | Run Model Advisor from MATLAB file |
ModelAdvisor.Preferences | Set Model Advisor window preferences by specifying which folders and tabs to display |
Paramètres du modèle
- Check Your Model Using the Model Advisor
Use the Model Advisor to check a model or subsystem for conditions and configuration settings that you select, including conditions that cause inaccurate or inefficient simulation.
- Address Model Check Results
After a Model Advisor analysis, you can highlight the results and fix check warnings.
- Save and View Model Advisor Check Reports
The Model Advisor generates an HTML report of the check results.
- Find Model Advisor Check IDs
Find Model Advisor check IDs using the check context menus.