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Repeated Measures and MANOVA

Analysis of variance, repeated measures modeling, and multiple comparisons for data with multiple responses

Repeated measures models are regression models in which observations have multiple response variables. Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) is a statistical technique used to determine whether vectors of response data are statistically different. Repeated measures models and MANOVA are commonly used in crossover and longitudinal studies and the response variables typically correspond to measurements taken at different times. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ provides functions for working with repeated measures models including functions for performing one-way, two-way, and N-way multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA); analysis of variance (ANOVA); analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); and for creating RepeatedMeasures model objects.


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Create RepeatedMeasures Object

fitrmFit repeated measures model

Work with RepeatedMeasures Object

ranovaAnalysis of variance for within-subject effects in a repeated measures model
anovaAnalysis of variance for between-subject effects in a repeated measures model
mauchlyMauchly’s test for sphericity
epsilonEpsilon adjustment for repeated measures anova
multcompareMultiple comparison of estimated marginal means
manovaMultivariate analysis of variance
coeftestLinear hypothesis test on coefficients of repeated measures model
grpstatsCompute descriptive statistics of repeated measures data by group
margmean Estimate marginal means
plotPlot data with optional grouping
plotprofile Plot expected marginal means with optional grouping
predictCompute predicted values given predictor values
random Generate new random response values given predictor values

Create manova Object

manovaMultivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) results (Since R2023b)

Work with manova Object

barttestBartlett's test for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (Since R2023b)
boxchartBox chart (box plot) for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (Since R2023b)
canonvarsCanonical variables (Since R2023b)
coeftestLinear hypothesis test on MANOVA model coefficients (Since R2023b)
groupmeansMean response estimates for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (Since R2023b)
multcompareMultiple comparison of marginal means for multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) (Since R2023b)
plotprofilePlot MANOVA response variable means with grouping (Since R2023b)
statsMultivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) table (Since R2023b)
manova1One-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
manovaclusterDendrogram of group mean clusters following MANOVA


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RepeatedMeasuresModelRepeated measures model object
manovaMultivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) results (Since R2023b)


Repeated Measures


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