The function of generating HDL code has an error with the names of blocks in the same Subsystem

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Anyone know how to fix this please help me.
I'm currently working on this example:
and in the subsystem "OFDM Transmitter" will contain the subsystem "whdlOFDMTx Model". When I do generate HDL code, the name of the subsystem "whdlOFDMTx Model" is "whdlOFDMTx_whdlOFDMTx" but in the HDL code of the top file its name is "whdlOFDMTx"; Similar to the blocks "frame_controller_and_input_sampler", "frame_generator", "multiplexer", "Discrete_FIr_filter", its name in the command line called "Whdlofdmtx_Frame_controller_and_input_sampler", "whdlOFDMTx_Frame Fdmtx_multyxer "," whdlOFDMTx_DISCRETE_FIR_FILTER "
This is in the code that calls the "whdlOFDMTx" subsystem block in the TOP vhdl
And here is the declared name of the "whdlOFDMTx" subsystem in the file vhdl
Therefore, it cannot recognize sub-blocks
Someone know please help me

Réponses (3)

Bharath Venkataraman
Bharath Venkataraman le 14 Juil 2023
There is a configuration statement in line 101 which maps whdlOFDMTx to use the entity work_whdlOFDMTx.whdlOFDMTx_whdlOFDMTx(rtl). This tells the tool to map whdlOFDMTx to whdlOFDMTx_whdlOFDMTx.
If that is not working, you can rename all uses of whdlOFDMTx to whdlOFDMTx_whdlOFDMTx.

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali le 15 Juil 2023
Modifié(e) : Kiran Kintali le 15 Juil 2023
" ... in the subsystem "OFDM Transmitter" will contain the subsystem "whdlOFDMTx Model". When I do generate HDL code, the name of the subsystem "whdlOFDMTx Model" is "whdlOFDMTx_whdlOFDMTx" ..."
If you are looking to control the default name of the file generated from a model reference block you can set the reference block parameter to empty (to remove the modelname prefix) or use your desired prefix string.
hdlset_param('topmodel/bottom_model_ref', 'ReferenceModelPrefix', '');
Refer to documentation for additional info on this topic.
  3 commentaires
Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali le 16 Juil 2023
Please reach out to tech support for additional followup on the topic related to HDL code customization.

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Ho le 16 Juil 2023
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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