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Concatenate signals ( sine wave and a line )

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Bianca Ivan
Bianca Ivan le 1 Déc 2020
Commenté : Bianca Ivan le 1 Déc 2020
How can I concatenate a sine wave and a line? I tried something and the error was : Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
  4 commentaires
Timo Dietz
Timo Dietz le 1 Déc 2020
Not sure what you want to plot. A sine wave with a line at its end?
Bianca Ivan
Bianca Ivan le 1 Déc 2020

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Réponses (3)

Modifié(e) : KALYAN ACHARJYA le 1 Déc 2020
total=[a X Y];
Here "a" is row data, so you must have row-wise (horizontally) concatenate

Star Strider
Star Strider le 1 Déc 2020
You are attempthing to vertically concatenate them.
Use commas (,) instead fo semicolons(;) and it will work. Commas horizontally concatenate and semicolons vertically concatenate.

Timo Dietz
Timo Dietz le 1 Déc 2020
I guess you want to add a X/Y line after the sine wave, right?
In this case you have to concatenate X + t and Y + a in order to have a new total X and total Y vector.
Looks weird but is this what you wanted to have: plot([t X], [a Y])
  1 commentaire
Bianca Ivan
Bianca Ivan le 1 Déc 2020
Thank you! I have to change the vectors values

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