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Assigning a vector to multiple rows of a matrix
b=ones(5,4); a=[1;2;3;4]; If you wanna assign a to the 3rd row of b, b=[b(1:2,:);a';b(4:5,:)]
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Hot key for showing section list
I just installed Matlab r2013a. It looks good, but I can't get used to the hotkey Ctrl+G. Previously, if you press Ctrl+G, a win...
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réponsehow to write code for integerator block in simulink without using the simulink block ?
What about the state-space block?
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Problem with making a matrix of size [2 2 4 2] , need help
Data is a 16 x 2 matrix, so Data(i,j,k,m) is wrong.
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Add another y axis on the plot
Why not try plotyy(x,y,x,y)? Actually, you don't need two different series. They can be identical.
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Bode diagram at different amplitudes?
Option 1: export the input and output data to workspace and plot the bode diagram Option 2: Set the input/output port in simuli...
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add another y axis
I only know plotyy. But not sure whether it is what you are looking for.
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How to write to an excel sheet in specified columns only.
1. xlswrite('testdata',x-axisCordinates') ,"'" to convert to a nx1 array 2. You can specify the range ('C1:C5') xlswrite(fi...
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How do I cretae step response graph?
First, build the model in simulink. Then plot the output signal (i.e. current) vs. time "plot" can be used for time domain wh...
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Why do I get this error subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals?
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How can I design these nested for loops so they run much faster?
You need to design a new algorithm. Why not pre-sort the 2nd column of A and B before the comparison? Or calculate the min and m...
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matrix search and the save on a new matrix
find(a(:,2)) can be used to find the index of the non-zero rows.
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how to keep the strings displayed in the edit box and the selections in the pop-up menu in the GUI1 when you return back from GUI2.
# Save the string to workspace or setappdata # You can create a handle in the opening function of GUI1 to dectect whether GUI1 ...
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Plotting a time series with shaded regions
time='6/01/1998'; fwd_slash_loc=strfind(time,'/'); year=time(fwd_slash_loc(2)+1:end);
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Fortran to Matlab GOTO
There are many options: # Create a function for each destination of "goto". ie. Create a fuction for 111 # Copy and paste ...
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Can I automatically regconize function call and execute it in editbox of a GUI.
# Find the location of ";" by using the command strfind # Seperate the functions (ie. you need to run add1(5,3) first, then add...
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How to detect a left double-click on a cell of a uitable?
If I add a command get(handles.figure1,'selectiontype') under function figure1_WindowButtonDownFcn, only right single/do...
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réponseHow to copy text content from a .txt file to a .ats file?
Just wanna let you know. I resolved this issue by using fid=fopen(filename,'wt') Instead of fid=fopen(filename,'w'...
environ 11 ans il y a | 0
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How can I create shortcuts by commands?
I'm wondering whether it is possible to create shortcuts on the toolbar by commands. I am going to release my GUI and I hope any...
environ 11 ans il y a | 3 réponses | 0
How to copy text content from a .txt file to a .ats file?
Currently, I can only generate a txt file by fprintf(). Then I have to copy and paste the content from the txt file to a .ats. ...
environ 11 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
réponseMasked Subsystem: How to pass a double vector to a constant?
I'm not quite sure about your issue. In general, if you want to assign a value to a parameter in a masked subsystem, add it as ...
environ 11 ans il y a | 1
GUI can't read variable with setappdata and getappdata
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata re...
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I have a excel file which contains both number and txt, I wanna assign whole values in this excel file to the listbox
# Import data to Matlab by implementing xlsread() # Create a cell variable and assign all the n*3 data to the cell variable
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Position of points relative to a plane
# Obtain the equation of the plane # If the point (x,y,z) satisfy the equation, the point is on the plane. I don't think you ca...
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GUI can't read variable with setappdata and getappdata
# The handle for getappdata and setappdata must be the same # If you write setappdata in the function hitung,you can get data b...
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Simulink the Two Degree-of-Freedom PID Control for Setpoint Tracking in help/matlab
Fig. 2 in the help document describes the equation of the DC motor.
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how to replace the element in matrix?
A(2,2)=12; A(3,3)=13;
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Can Someone Help Me WIth My Code?
You haven't defined the output y for the function. If you don't need an output, just remove 'y=' in the first line. If it's ...
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How to fix looping?
It seems the length of array s is 50, but you wanna call s(51) in the for loop
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On Simulink how to add_block with output data type boolean?
add_block('built-in/Constant','test/const1','Position',[90 20 110 40],'OutDataTypeStr','boolean','Value','1');
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