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c++ and matlab
hi, Use mex check this link
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how to add label to diagram plotted using plot function?
hi, hope this helps xlabel('X axis'); % to label X axis Ylabel('Value'); % to label Y axis title('Name'); %to provide title ...
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Unable to open figure window
hi, hover near MATLAB icon in task bar, right click and then select Maximize
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"Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values."
Initialize variable i with 1, before using it i=1;
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read data from word based on section heading
Hi all, I want to read data from word based on the section heading. I have multiple documents and section header is same for al...
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réponsehow I do it. the function is called a string is passes a numbr
hi, check this function test_preethi(str) persistent i if isempty(i) i=1; else if i <=5 sprintf('%s%d',...
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Simulink While Loop - recording iteration-by-iteration parameters
hi, Have you tried using assignin() function?
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how to select values of nx3 matrix where its index is equal to a value in other matrix
hi, try this i=1 for j=1:1:fid if j==fnew(j) FF(i)=f(j) i=i+1 end end sin...
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Markowitz optimization weights code
hi, try using csvread() function
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Adding Bar graph with another plot, convert the bar graph with a color axis, tittle in one figure?
hello, hope this is helpful x = [0 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.8 1]; % start of bar y = zeros(length(x),1); dx = diff([x 1]); % ...
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Plot two different data having the same xy-location
hi, you can use hold on functionality or plot the data in different series. Hope the below link is useful. <http://in.mathwo...
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How can i create .exe file from .m file?
hello, mcc -m mfilename helps in creating .exe file. you will need Matlab coder, check using 'ver' command if it is inst...
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How to refer the figure name in matlab
hhello, hope this helps. it sets figure with h1 handle as current figure. set(groot,'CurrentFigure',h1);
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Getting color in a "timeseries plot"
hello, in that case you can use for loop, I tried to provide basic example.. for i=1:length(ts1) if ts1(i)<crit...
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Getting color in a "timeseries plot"
hello, you can append 'r', 'g' .... plot(ts1,'.r') or plot(ts1,'.','Color',[0,0.2,0.8])
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converting decimal to double
hello, hope this helps <>
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how can i insert or link an .m file containing parameter values to a simulink .slx file in R2015b as a subsystem
hello, you can use call back functions(present in model properties) or interpreted matlab function block
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Not able to use the PDE toolbox
hello, check if the toolbox is installed or not. use ver if you can find Partial Differential Equation Toolbox in t...
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How to divide a signal into two signals and put them in one array?
hi, hope this helps, (if mfcc is a column vector) len =length(mfcc); res =zeros(2,len/2); res(1,:)= mfcc(1:len/2);...
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Changing X-Axis to Hours
hi, You can use XTickLabel, for example set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'1:00AM','2:00AM','3:00AM','4:00AM','5:00AM','6:00AM'})
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Error : Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
hi, the output of < and > gives a vector since Sthochestic_Osilator is a vector. When using short circuit operators like '&&'...
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how can i generate .xml file to my simulink model...........?
hi, you can use save_system() save_system('model.mdl', 'model_xml.xml','ExportToXML', true);
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How to plot a capacitor charging and discharging
hi, Since you are using separate variables which doesn't have any common values you might be getting separate lines. Try this...
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Adding new column to a matrix with the same number repeated
hi, hope this helps a= [1;2;3;4;2;3;2;6;7;2] a(:,2)=zeros(length(a),1); a(find(a(:,1)==2)+length(a(:,1)))=2
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loop while as much has first file
hi, hope this helps cnt=0; [record1,cnt_op1] = read_file(fname1,cnt); [record2,cnt_op2] = read_file(fname2,cnt_op1...
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How to find different values of numbers in different matrices?
hi, you can use ismember() function. if the row exists the output will be one, else zero ismember(A(1,:),B,'rows')
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matlab code to find the position of values in a vector within the specified range that meets a certain condition?
hi, d=[1 2 14 20 10 15 2 4 9 7 5]; x =find(d<15) y =x(x<=6 & x>=3)
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How to change spacing in tick labels on bar graph
hi, Use can use XTick and XTicklabel feature.
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index out of bounds because numel(uold)=1 Error
hi, initialize u with a vector of zeros instead of '0'. for ex u =zeros(1,nx-1)
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