Paul Hoffrichter
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How to return matrix in Matlab using codegen with no c++ memory allocation?
Originally, R was using the coder.nullcopy since R = (x_in' * x_in) would fill in the values. I did remove x_in which eliminate...
2 mois il y a | 0
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How to return matrix in Matlab using codegen with no c++ memory allocation?
I do not want any dynamic memory allocation to be done in the C++ codegen. Here is the relevant Matlab code: % Calculate cross-...
2 mois il y a | 1 réponse | 0
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Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...
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Where is documentation for colon range of the form 1:vector?
I think the following code examples should result in a Matlab error and not be allowed to run. I think the code syntax should be...
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Why isn't low pass filter centered around zero?
I tried several MATLAB filter examples (in R2020a), but all of them appear to be off-centered. Below is example taken from https...
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Gfsk demodulation of signals with non constant amplitude
I have a real GFSK signal that occupies 500KHz whose center frequency could be, say 20 MHz. Not doing the diff(angle(Y)) since a...
presque 2 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
datatip gives same x value for different samples
Here is a simplified example of my problem. How can I get tooltips to show X 500000, X 500001, X 500002, etc.? Instead it shows ...
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How to manually move (smoothly) a set of evenly spaced xlines
In R2020a on a plot I plan on having a loop to produce 20 xlines that are 200 samples apart. (I know that in later versions, one...
presque 2 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 0
réponsesSection color no longer an option in 2021b?
When I called MathWorks about coloring of the call stack lines (above the current function) when stepping through the r2021b deb...
presque 2 ans il y a | 5
Find longest pattern of [1 0] in array.
I have Bits0 array of 1's and 0's. I would like to get the start/stop indices of the largest sequence of 1 0's. Actually, I expe...
environ 2 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
View an .slx model without Simulink
I downloaded a free Intro SDR book from MathWorks. But the labs have .slx files. I would like to be able to view the model. I h...
environ 2 ans il y a | 1 réponse | 0
Viewing .slx model figue without Simulink
I have Matlab R2020a and R2022a, but no Simulink. I downloaded a free Intro SDR book from MathWorks. But the labs have .slx file...
environ 2 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 0
How to zero out short non-zero regions in vector?
For a minLength integer input value, zero out short non-zero regions. The input vector, A, typically will have long regions of ...
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How to create Plot button for Complex vector?
I would like to be able to highlight a complex vector in the workspace and be able to click a button to plot complex vector the ...
plus de 2 ans il y a | 2 réponses | 0
réponses[DISCONTINUED] MATLAB Answers Wish-list #5 (and bug reports)
PROJECTS is too closely coupled with Git CM Some users may want to have a limited view of the files in the Set Path folder list...
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How to assign a variable based on an equation?
Inline anonymous functions can be defined as follows: Density_equation = @(x) x^2 + 2*x + 10 T = 1000 Density = Density_equat...
environ 3 ans il y a | 1
How to set the plot start to zero ? I have some measurements. On the x label, they start from 0 to 6, but from 1 I can see something change on
First of all, you should be aware that the following two expressions are equivalent: >> 1:5.12 ans = 1 2 3 4...
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How do I find the separation between the harmonics for a graph of a function sinx/x against x?
Not sure if thisis what you are looking for. x=linspace(-90,90,10000); y=sin(x)./x; figure(11) plot(x,y); axis([-90 90 -1.5...
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How create an Histogram of datas?
c = [ "3-" "0" "0+" "0-" "0+" "0" "0-" "0-" "0-" "0-" "3" "0-" "U" "3" "U" "U" "2+" "0" "1-" "2-" "3-" "1-"...
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Converting a 1D antenna array to planar array in 3D space
Fc=1255e6; %/Hz Carrier frequency C=3e8;%/m/s Speed of light Lambda=C/Fc;%/m Wavelength ESepx=0.49*Lambda; %/m Element separa...
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How to set the plot start to zero ? I have some measurements. On the x label, they start from 0 to 6, but from 1 I can see something change on
Here is some made up data to illustrate one approach: x = [ 0 1.1 2 3.3 5.12]; y = [146 145.9 145.8 139 128; ...
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For loop with two conditions
>> this code where it should stop as soon as one of the conditions has met But the break just gets you out of the while loop w...
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discrete time signal, i am not able to generate a function for the following question
Try this to fix the error: N1 = 0; N2 = 8; alpha = 0.8; figure(1) x= alpha .^ (N1:N2); plot(x)
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How to multiply 2 fft's with different lengths?
Is this your desired effect? [x,Fs]=audioread('hello.wav'); sound(x,Fs); T=1/Fs; disp('Wait for music to complete') pause( ...
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How can I run multiple iterations that plot on the same graph?
If you are new to Matlab programming, then you are probably used to a for-loop and you are plotting the curve in each iteration....
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How to delete/cancel trailing zeros in complex and imaginary numbers?
a = 1.22000000 + 2.150000000i fprintf("%g + %gi\n", real(a), imag(a)); fprintf("%.2f + %.2fi\n", real(a), imag(a));
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How do i create a large matrix with a formula?
Since you did not specify T and f, I assume you wanted symbolic notation. (I picked N = 10 to show a brief output.) N=10; n = ...
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How to find the CUP time used by each function in my code?
If you need a profile of the relative time spent in every function when running your entire script, then while viewing the main ...
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after applying a filter -i design- to a real signal, it returns complex signal after ifft
Your imaginary part only is non-zero due to the usual floating point roundoffs and truncations. Fix this using round: signal=if...
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How to construct array with certain slope ?
Look at this rotation script example:
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