Opérations sur les signaux
Retarder, réorganiser, rééchantillonner et fenêtrer le signal
Vous pouvez exécuter des opérations sur les signaux telles que la conversion de fréquence d’échantillonnage, la convolution, l’élévation et l’abaissement numériques de fréquence, l’extraction de phase, la suppression des composants DC, la localisation des pics, le remplissage du signal et l’ajout de retards avec les blocs et les System objects de DSP System Toolbox™.
Traitement basé sur des échantillons et basé sur des trames
- Sample- and Frame-Based Concepts
Explore basic signal concepts in the context of a Simulink® model. Learn more about sample-based processing and frame-based processing. - Inspect Sample and Frame Rates in Simulink
Understand sample time, sample rate, frame period, and frame rate in the context of a Simulink model. Determine the sample and frame rates of signals in your model. - Convert Sample and Frame Rates in Simulink Using Rate Conversion Blocks
Learn how direct-rate conversion blocks impact the sample rate and frame rate of signals in Simulink models. - Compare Speed Performance in Frame-Based Processing Mode Using Simulink Profiler
Process signals using frame-based processing and compare the performance using Simulink profiler.
Conversion de fréquence d’échantillonnage
- Upsample Signal in Single-Rate Frame-Based Processing Mode
Upsample signal in the single-rate processing mode. - Upsample Signal in Multirate Frame-Based Processing Mode
Upsample signal in multirate frame-based processing mode. - Sample and Hold a Signal
Shows the effect of different trigger events on output of the Sample and Hold block. - Repeat Signal in Single-Rate Frame-Based Processing Mode
Repeat the signal in single-rate processing mode. - Repeat Signal in Multirate Frame-Based Processing Mode
Repeat the signal in multirate frame-based processing mode.
Opérations sur les signaux
- Generate and Apply Hamming Window
Generates and applies a Hamming window using Window Function block. - Unwrap Signal
This model shows basic unwrapping using the Unwrap block. - Convolution of Two Inputs
This model shows how to convolve two vectors using the Convolution block. - Pad or Truncate Matrix with Constant Values
Use the Pad block to pad or truncate constant values to a matrix. - Extract the Phase of Sine Wave
Use the Phase Extractor block to extract the phase of a sine wave signal. - Use DC Blocker to Remove DC Component of Signal
Remove DC component of signal using IIR and Subtract mean estimation algorithms. - DC Blocker with Fixed Point Data
Use DC Blocker block to remove DC offset from fixed-point data. - Truncate Data Vector Using Offset Block
Truncate data vector using Offset block in all the four modes. - Detect Number of Zero Crossings in Signal
Detect number of zero crossings using Zero Crossing block. - Find Peak Values in a Signal
Shows the analysis made by the Peak Finder block while processing an input vector. - Effect of Overflow Mode on Peak Finder Output
Effect of saturate on integer overflow parameter on the Peak Finder output.
Retard et latence
- Delay and Latency
Configure the Simulink environment to minimize delay and increase simulation performance. - Delay Signal Using Multitap Fractional Delay
Concurrently delay an input signal using multiple taps.
Support des signaux de taille variable
- Variable-Size Signal Basics (Simulink)
Create a variable-size signal whose size and values can change during a simulation. - Variable-Size Signal Support DSP System Objects
List of System objects that support variable-sized signals in DSP System Toolbox.