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Développer des applications basées sur uifigure
Développer des applications de manière programmatique avec des figures UI conçues pour la création d’applications (fonction
)Concevez et modifiez des applications de manière programmatique en codant leur mise en page et leur comportement avec les fonctions MATLAB®. La fonction uifigure
crée une figure spécialement configurée pour la création d’applications qui servira de conteneur pour votre interface utilisateur. Les figures UI supportent les mêmes types de graphiques modernes et de composants UI interactifs qu’App Designer.
Découvrir les fondamentaux de la création programmatique d’applications
- Create and Run a Simple Programmatic App
Step through the process of creating a simple app programmatically. - App Building Components
View samples of the UI components available for building modern apps. - Ways to Build Apps
Choose an app building approach that best suits your project requirements and your preferred workflow.
Personnaliser l’apparence des applications
- Lay Out Apps Programmatically
Manage the size, location, and front-to-back order of components programmatically. - Manage App Resize Behavior Programmatically
Manage the default automatic resizing behavior for programmatic apps. - Programmatic App That Displays a Table
Create a table UI component and modify its appearance and behavior programmatically. - Format Tabular Data in Apps
Control how different data types are displayed when using table array data in an app. - Style Cells in a Table UI Component
Color cells, format text, and display icons in a table UI component. - Create HTML Content in Apps
Create an HTML file to embed HTML, JavaScript®, or CSS content in your app that can trigger or respond to data changes.
Programmer le comportement des applications
- Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically
Write callbacks to control the behavior of apps you create programmatically. - Share Data Among Callbacks
Manage and share data in your app using different techniques. - Interrupt Callback Execution
Learn how to control whether callbacks can be interrupted by other callbacks. - Create Responsive Apps
Apply techniques to improve the performance and responsiveness of your apps. - Improve App Startup Time
Improve the time it takes for your app to load by populating only the content that is visible. - Debug HTML Content in Apps
Simulate how data is sent between MATLAB and JavaScript in an HTML UI component.