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Configurer les conditions de simulation
Après avoir créé un modèle dans Simulink®, vous pouvez configurer la simulation pour qu'elle s'exécute de manière rapide et précise sans apporter de modifications structurelles au modèle.
La première étape de configuration de la simulation est la sélection d'un solveur. Par défaut, Simulink sélectionne automatiquement un solveur à pas variable. Vous pouvez ajuster les options du solveur ou en sélectionner un autre dans le volet « Solver » de la boîte de dialogue « Configuration Parameters ».
Il peut arriver qu'une simulation ralentisse ou se bloque. Utilisez Solver Profiler pour identifier les goulots d'étranglement de la simulation et obtenir des recommandations afin d'améliorer la performance du solveur.
Paramètres du modèle
Solveurs dans Simulink
- Choose a Solver
Choose a solver based on the dynamics of the model.
- Compare Solvers
A dynamic system is simulated by computing its states at successive time steps over a specified time span, using information provided by the model. - Zero-Crossing Detection
Learn how zero-crossing events affect simulation. - Choose a Jacobian Method for an Implicit Solver
For implicit solvers, Simulink must compute the solver Jacobian, which is a submatrix of the Jacobian matrix associated with the continuous representation of a Simulink model. - Use Local Solvers in Referenced Models
Learn how local solvers work and how to configure a local solver. - Zero-Crossing Detection with Fixed-Step Simulation
Learn how zero-crossing detection affects fixed-step simulation.
Informations d'état
- Save Block States and Simulation Operating Points
Learn how you can use state information logged from simulation and decide how to log states and operating points. - Use Model Operating Point for Faster Simulation Workflow
Reduce the time required to run a set of simulations by simulating from an initial operating point.
Solver Profiler
- Examine Model Dynamics Using Solver Profiler
Identify factors affecting model simulation using the Solver Profiler. - Solver Resets
The Solver Profiler logs events that cause the solver to reset its parameters because solver resets do incur computational cost. - Zero-Crossing Events
Detect zero-crossing events using Solver Profiler. - Solver Exception Events
This example simulates two identical nonlinear spring-damping systems. - Jacobian Logging and Analysis
The Solver Profiler supports Jacobian logging and analysis for implicit solvers.
Boucles algébriques
- Algebraic Loop Concepts
Learn how algebraic loops are created during simulation. - Identify Algebraic Loops in Your Model
If Simulink reports an algebraic loop in your model, the algebraic loop solver may be able to solve the loop. - Remove Algebraic Loops
Learn how to break undesired algebraic loops in a model. - Modeling Considerations with Algebraic Loops
Learn modeling techniques to avoid unnecessary algebraic loops.