Linear Grey-Box Models
greyest | Estimate ODE parameters of linear grey-box model |
idgrey | Linear ODE (grey-box model) with identifiable parameters |
pem | Prediction error minimization for refining linear and nonlinear models |
findstates | Estimate initial states of model |
init | Set or randomize initial parameter values |
getpvec | Obtain model parameters and associated uncertainty data |
setpvec | Modify values of model parameters |
getpar | Obtain attributes such as values and bounds of linear model parameters |
setpar | Set attributes such as values and bounds of linear model parameters |
findstatesOptions | Option set for findstates |
greyestOptions | Option set for greyest |
Exemples et procédures
- Estimate Linear Grey-Box Models
How to define and estimate linear grey-box models at the command line.
- Estimate Continuous-Time Grey-Box Model for Heat Diffusion
This example shows how to estimate the heat conductivity and the heat-transfer coefficient of a continuous-time grey-box model for a heated-rod system.
- Estimate Discrete-Time Grey-Box Model with Parameterized Disturbance
This example shows how to create a single-input and single-output grey-box model structure when you know the variance of the measurement noise.
- Estimate State-Space Models with Structured Parameterization
Structured parameterization lets you exclude specific parameters from estimation by setting these parameters to specific values.
- Estimate Coefficients of ODEs to Fit Given Solution
Estimate model parameters using linear and nonlinear grey-box modeling.
- Estimate Model Using Zero/Pole/Gain Parameters
This example shows how to estimate a model that is parameterized by poles, zeros, and gains.
- Supported Grey-Box Models
Types of supported grey-box models.
- Data Supported by Grey-Box Models
Types of supported data for estimating grey-box models.
- Choosing idgrey or idnlgrey Model Object
Difference between
model objects for representing grey-box model objects. - Identifying State-Space Models with Separate Process and Measurement Noise Descriptions
An identified linear model is used to simulate and predict system outputs for given input and noise signals.