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Créez des animations pour visualiser l’évolution des données au fil du temps. Affichez les données évoluant en temps réel ou enregistrez un film ou un GIF pour le regarder plus tard.
AnimatedLine Properties | Line animation appearance and behavior |
- Animation Techniques
You can use three basic techniques for creating animations in MATLAB®.
- Trace Marker Along Line
This example shows how to trace a marker along a line by updating the data properties of the marker.
- Line Animations
This example shows how to create an animation of two growing lines.
- Move Group of Objects Along Line
This example shows how to move a group of objects together along a line using transforms.
- Animate Graphics Object
This example shows how to animate a triangle looping around the inside of a circle by updating the data properties of the triangle.
- Create Stream Particle Animations
Visualize the speed and direction of particles within vector fields using streamlines.
- Record Animation for Playback
These examples show how to record animations as movies that you can replay.
- Animating a Surface
This example shows how to animate a surface.