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Algorithmes CORDIC dans MATLAB

Opérations d'algorithmes CORDIC dans MATLAB®

Les algorithmes qui s’appuient sur CORDIC (COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer) comptent parmi les algorithmes les plus efficaces au niveau hardware, car ils nécessitent uniquement des opérations itératives de décalage et d'ajout. Avec l'algorithme CORDIC, il n’est plus nécessaire d'utiliser des multiplicateurs explicites. Il permet en outre de calculer un grand nombre de fonctions.


cordicabsCORDIC-based absolute value
cordicacosCORDIC-based approximation of inverse cosine
cordicangleCORDIC-based phase angle
cordicasinCORDIC-based approximation of inverse sine
cordicatan2CORDIC-based four quadrant inverse tangent
cordiccart2polTransform Cartesian coordinates to polar using CORDIC-based approximation
cordiccexpCORDIC-based approximation of complex exponential
cordiccosCORDIC-based approximation of cosine
fixed.cordicDivideFixed-point divide using CORDIC (depuis R2020b)
cordicpol2cartCORDIC-based approximation of polar-to-Cartesian conversion
fixed.cordicReciprocalFixed-point reciprocal using CORDIC (depuis R2021b)
cordicrotateRotate input using CORDIC-based approximation
cordicsigmoidCORDIC-based approximation of sigmoid activation (depuis R2023b)
cordicsinCORDIC-based approximation of sine
cordicsincosCORDIC-based approximation of sine and cosine
cordicsinhcoshCORDIC-based approximation of hyperbolic sine and cosine (depuis R2023b)
cordicsqrtCORDIC-based approximation of square root
cordictanhCORDIC-based hyperbolic tangent