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Installation et configuration
Installez MATLAB® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware avant de vous connecter au hardware Arduino à partir de MATLAB. Vous pouvez également utiliser l’application Arduino Explorer pour installer et configurer votre hardware.
arduinosetup | Launch Arduino hardware setup interface |
arduinolist | List available Arduino hardware (depuis R2024a) |
arduino | Connection to the Arduino and Arduino-compatible ESP32 hardware |
- Install Support for Arduino Hardware
Install the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware.
- Set Up and Configure Arduino Hardware
Learn how to setup and configure Arduino hardware to communicate with your host computer.
- Set Up and Configure ESP32 Hardware
Learn how to setup and configure ESP32 hardware to communicate with your host computer.
- Pair a Bluetooth Device and Retrieve the Bluetooth Device Address
Learn how to pair Bluetooth® device to the host computer and retrieve the connection information.
- Connect to Arduino Hardware
Learn how to connect to Arduino or ESP32 hardware in MATLAB.
- Measure Temperature and Control Peripherals Using the Arduino Explorer App
This example helps you to use the Arduino® Explorer app to connect to an Arduino board and control attached peripherals depending on the temperature variations.
Arduino Explorer | Configure and control Arduino (depuis R2021b) |